55 Brat Trap

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"What happens when business calls and he leaves you behind too?"

Her final question left me numb. The thought of losing him like that stole the very air from my lungs and no amount of reassurance from them could ease my mind. Even after Jonathan promised me he wasn't going anywhere, my heart still feels heavy with 'what ifs'.

"Honey, if they played together, she would have had to learn his preferences or they wouldn't have lasted," Becca tries to reason. "That doesn't mean she knows Jonathan the man, just his Dominant side. What you two have is the total package!"

"I know, I just wish my mind would get the memo." My heart aches and I'm giving myself a headache, replaying this over and over again.

"We could always talk to this bitch and get you all the answers you need," Nat offers.

My eyes widen at the prospect of purposely talking to this viper of a woman. "Somehow she doesn't strike me as the happy to take my call type."

"Hard to ignore you if you're standing in front of her..." There's a mischievous glint in her eyes that assures me she's not joking.

"I hate to admit it, but maybe she's on to something... Don't give me that look! Listen, all I'm saying is that sometimes the only way past some things is through." Becca shrugs and purses her lips. It's never a good sign when they agree yet I can't find fault in their logic.

"No." I shake my head snapping out of the brat trap. "I don't want to give her what she wants... I just want her to get out of my mind."

"I know I'm the new girl and all," Keesha pipes up, setting her tray of empties on the bar. Much like Becca, she's rocking the littles' vibe with afro pigtails and pink-themed makeup, but that little black and white schoolgirl dress says anything but innocent. "You have two options the way I see it. Either you go deal with this bitch that's taking up so much of your headspace..."

"Or?" I ask, desperate for a non-confrontational out.

"Or." She looks over my shoulder, urging me to follow her gaze to where Jonathan and Anne are talking with Taz near the play floor. "You make use of your perfectly capable Dom, and have him quiet your mind for you."

"Choice is yours, but don't let her live in there rent-free." Keesha picks up her orders and heads back.

"Maybe she's right?" Becca offers. "The night's dying down, why don't you go home."

"Thanks." I set my tray down and give in. The three of them can handle what's left so I head in the back and grab my stuff then make my way out to Jonathan.

"Angel," he greets, lifting my chin for a kiss. "What's your pleasure? Want to stay for a bit or call it a night?"

"Can we just go home? I had a busy shift." Jonathan smiles down at me and takes my work bag from me.

"Of course."

"Party pooper," Anne grumbles. She winks as Jonathan guides us out and moves towards the bar.

The ride home is fairly quick and passes easily enough with music playing. Natasha's offer keeps playing over in my mind but the thought of dealing with Loni on purpose sets my nerves on end.

Like always, Jonathan escorts me inside and helps with my shoes and coat before seeing to his own. "Why don't you go upstairs and get comfortable, I just need to do something quickly in my office first."

"Okay." I smile and head upstairs. My heart hammers as I decide to go with option two. Jonathan being busy for a moment will give me the time to get ready before I lose my nerve.

I quickly clean up in the bathroom, leaving my hair up from work and my heavy makeup. Hoping that Jonathan will know what I need, I open the trunk, take out my collar and cuffs and set them on the bed. Hearing him slide the doors closed in the downstairs office I know time is short so I shrug off my robe and drop into position.

Back straight, butt on my heels, thighs apart and palms up on my thighs with one difference. I've chosen a medium flogger and hold it, offering it to him with my body.

My heart flutters in my chest and jumps to my throat as I hear the stairs creak. Each footfall brings him closer to the top, leaving me a quivering mess. I keep my gaze down but don't miss his sharp intake of breath as he enters the bedroom.

"Bella, Bella, Bella," Jonathan chants, having recovered. He slowly makes his way over to me, lifting my chin to look at him. "What am I going to do with you?"

"Use me, Sir. Please." I wait, holding my breath as I pray for the right answer.

His gaze darkens as it roams across me before settling back on my face. Jonathan grins and nods. "I can do that."

His Broken Submissive : MercyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang