Exploring the Daycare

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The next day, Mary woke up the Littles earlier than usual. As the daycare was very new, and the old daycare was relatively popular and trusted, there shouldn't be too many issues, however, Mary would much rather be safe than sorry. 

Mary chose nearly identical outfits for Luna and Natalie. For Luna, it was a pastel yellow onesie with black overalls and yellow shoes. For Natalie, she chose nearly the same, but instead of overalls, Natalie had an overall dress and instead of yellow shoes, she had pastel yellow striped socks and black flats. Mary also chose flower-themed diapers for both of them. For Luna, she chose a sun-themed pacifier, and for Natalie, she chose a flower-themed pacifier. Finally, she added a yellow bow to both of their outfits.

"Right, are we all ready?" Mary asked after the two Littles had eaten breakfast and she'd gotten the diaper bag ready. Both Littles nodded with their pacifiers in their mouth, and Mary helped Luna into their car seat, while Natalie climbed in and buckled herself in. Mary then climbed into the driver seat and they were off.


When they arrived at the Mega Pizzaplex that housed the Daycare, they exited the car. Mary held the two Littles' hands as they walked into the building. As it was a Monday, the Pizzaplex was closed to any visitors that were not there for the Daycare program.

During the weekends, the Pizzaplex functioned as an entertainment center for people of all ages, Littles and non-Littles. Mary guessed that they were very popular, as before she could schedule their timeslot, she had a rather lengthy explanation that all the slots for birthday parties and events were taken up for the next month. However, Monday through Friday, the Pizzaplex was mostly shut down, aside from the Daycare and certain sections that the Littles were permitted to go at certain times during the day. 

When they entered the Pizzaplex, they were waved over to the front desk by a blond woman with a security outfit on. Luna immediately felt a bit frightened, as they had not had the best experiences with people in uniform. However, the woman almost seemed to smile at them. 

"Hey, I'm guessing you're here to check out the Daycare program?" The woman asked.

"Yes! You're the lass runnin' the program. Vanessa, wasn' it?" Mary asked.

"Yeah, I am. Follow me, I'll bring you to Freddy," Vanessa said. "Oh, and the kiddos can call me Ness, they all do."

"Ah, gotcha," Mary responded, nodding.

Vanessa lead them through the gates by holding out a strange watch and waiting for a beep.

"This is a Fazwatch. If you do end up joining the program, your Littles will get them. It gives them clearance to areas that they're supposed to be in, and keeps them out of places they aren't supposed to be in. They're also a quick way for the Daycare Attendant to keep an eye on all of them at once. Littles aren't allowed to take off their Fazwatches until the end of the day after pickup, when they hand them back into me for cleaning, inspection, and sometimes repair," Vanessa, or Ness, explained.

The Littles nodded. Vanessa stopped in front of an elevator.

"Freddy should be with us any minute. That's also something the Fazwatches can do. If a Little needs help, they can send out a ping and the animatronic or adult closest to them can come help them."

Just then, the elevator doors opened and a brown bear animatronic walked out. He had bright cyan and light orange-brown markings, and was wearing a bowtie, a tophat, and some jewelry. Luna jumped at the sudden sound and hid behind Mary. 

"Officer Vanessa, you said we may have some new little ones who are interested in the Daycare program?" The bear, Freddy, asked Ness, before his eyes flickered to Natalie. "Oh, hello young one."

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