Sick Little Luna

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TW: Vomiting, depiction of illness

After settling the Littles in, Natalie was the first to regress back to something close to her normal self. She was clapping and stimming, and didn't refuse her pacifier.

Luna on the other hand, was not doing well. This was the first time she'd been to Loba's home, or even stayed the night somewhere that wasn't their new home since being adopted. And their body seemed to finally give into the stress.

When Loba went into the room, she could tell something was wrong. Natalie was awake, bouncing and babbling. She made grabby hands toward the brown-haired woman. Loba smiled and picked her up. 

"Hey beautiful! Do you know why Luna's still asleep?" Loba asked. Natalie just stared at her. "Oh, you're so Little right now that you don't know, do you?" Natalie simply put her thumb in her mouth. "Oh, no no Natalie. You need to use your paci, not your thumb. Now, where is it?" 

Loba began to search the sheets, before finding Natalie's Pikachu pacifier. She gently slipped Natalie's thumb out of her mouth, causing the blond to panic and start to cry, before Loba slipped in the yellow pacifier, causing her to calm down just as quick as she'd gotten upset. Loba decided that it would be best to leave Luna to rest, as they'd had a rough few days, and there were still more growing pains to deal with.

Loba carried Natalie down the hall to the kitchen, setting her down on a chair. She whined behind the pacifier. "Shh... You need breakfast, princess." Natalie calmed down again. Loba noted that Natalie's emotions were extra sensitive at the moment, most likely due to the fact that she hadn't been properly regressed for several days now. 

Loba took out a yellow bottle and poured milk into it, adding a bit of cocoa and formula to the substance, as Natalie was not all there at the moment. She shook the bottle for a minute, before walking back over to the table and picking up Natalie, carrying her into the living room. She sat with the girl on the couch, laying the blond down and removing the pacifier, quickly replacing it with the nipple of the bottle. Natalie suckled happily, making small sounds of happiness as she drained the contents of the bottle, and whining when it was empty. Loba chuckled. "No more, baby. Why don't you go play while I go wake up your sibling?"

Natalie nodded, running off to the office, which Loba had rearranged to a small playroom. She began unpacking her toys, lining them up happily. 

Loba made her way back down the hall to the guest bedroom. She had been lucky that she already looked after Littles who needed fostering, so she already had a lot of the things that a Little would need short-term. 

She lowered the crib bars on Luna's crib, frowning when she saw their face. Their cheeks were flushed, and they were too sweaty, and their face was one of discomfort. Loba reached out a hand to feel their forehead. She sighed, feeling a significant amount of heat. She began stroking their soft blue hair.

"Hey beautiful, you need to wake up now," Loba whispered gently. Luna opened their eyes, wincing at the light and closing them again. Loba reached out a hand to close the blinds. "It's ok, I closed the blinds." Luna opened their eyes again. "Are you not feeling good, sweetie?"

Luna shook their head, reaching out to be held. Loba picked them up, and they laid their head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. Loba sat down on the best, holding them and rubbing their back for a few minutes before she spoke up. "What hurts, beautiful?" Luna pointed to their stomach, their head, and their throat. "Aww baby, that can't feel good. Come on, let's check your temperature and get you some meds, ok?" Luna nodded.

Loba moved to the bathroom, setting Luna down on the lid of the toilet. Loba looked away for a minute, rummaging through the cupboard for her thermometer and some pain relief, when she heard a a sickening splatter. She turned around quickly to see a sad sight. "Oh sweetie..."

Luna had thrown up down their front and on the floor, and was now sobbing. Loba picked them up. "Shh... Shh... You're ok, baby. It's ok. I'm sorry you don't feel good." Luna laid their head on her chest again, tears falling down their cheeks. Loba stood there for a moment, rubbing their back soothingly as they cried. Soon, their sobs died down to small sniffles."Are you feeling any better?"

Luna shook their head, clinging to her shirt. 

"Alright. Let's get you changed into your night gown, and then I'll get you something to make your tummy feel better, ok?" Luna nodded. Loba gently removed their top, before helping them out of their fuzzy pants, leaving them in just their diaper. She then carried them back to their room, slipping them into their moon and star nightgown. "Lay down, sweetie. I'll be back in a few minutes." Luna obeyed, closing their eyes and drifting back to sleep. 


When Luna woke back up, they heard two voices. 

"Poor love... Have you been able to check their temp?" Luna heard a familiar Scottish voice ask.

"Yeah. Lucky thing I have an ear thermometer. They were at 101 when I checked last," They heard Loba's voice say. They felt someone gently stroking their hair, and leaned into the touch. 

"I think they're wakin' up," they heard Mary said. Luan opened their eyes, reaching for their Mommy and whining. Mary picked them up, and they laid their head on her chest. "Hey love... I heard that you're feelin' ill today, hm?" Luna whined and buried their face in her shirt. Mary rubbed their back soothingly. 

Suddenly, they felt a wave on nausea. They looked up at Mary, panicked tears springing to their eyes. 

"Loba, they need a the bin," Mary said urgently. Loba quickly placed the trash can in front of them, and Mary repositioned Luna to be leaning over it, holding them steady. Luna began breaching quickly. "You're alright love, I've gotcha... Deep breaths, alright petal?"

Loba was at their side as well, rubbing soothing circles on their back as they heaved, bringing up a wave of sick. "That's it, baby, you're alright." Luna burped sickly, bringing up a little bit of bile, before relaxing.

"All done, darlin'?" Mary asked, gently helping Luna lean against her. They nodded, returning to their previous position. Loba handed Mary a wet wipe, which Mary promptly used to wipe off Luna's mouth. "Loba, dearie, do you have any water?"

"Yes, here," Loba handed Mary a dark purple sippy cup, which Mary held up to Luna's lips. "Drink a little, love. It'll make you feel better."

Luna obliged, drinking a little bit of the water. 

"Great job, beautiful," Loba praised as Mary handed her back the cup. 

"Do you wanna lay back down, love?" Mary asked as Loba left the room to change the trash bag. 

Luna nodded. "'tay."

"Stay? Of course lovey. I'll stay until you fall asleep, and then Natalie needs some time. Is that ok?" Mary asked. Luna nodded as Mary laid them down. She began humming, stroking their hair as their drifted off to sleep. When Mary was sure that they were fully asleep, she lifted up the crib bars, walking out to the kitchen. 

"Are they alright?' Loba asked when she saw the redhead.

"Just fell asleep. Hopefully they'll stay that way for a few hours. They need it," Mary said.

"I just feel so bad for them. They really don't deserve it," Loba said softly.

"I know. Poor love's just been overworking themself," Mary said. "Hopefully they'll be better soon. Say, where's Nattie?"

"Oh, she's in the office, or rather, playroom. Be sure to wash your hands first, we wouldn't want her to catch whatever's causing havoc in Luna's body," Loba reminded. 

"Of course," Mary said, walking over to the sink. 


When Mary reached the office, she found Natalie spelling out the alphabet with her letter blocks.

"Hey love!" Mary said cheerfully.

"Mummy!" Natalie babbled, running over to hug the redhead. Mary hugged the blond tightly.

"How're you doing, love?" Mary asked.

"I otay. Woona icky doe," Natalie lisped.

"I know, but they're gettin' the rest they need. Do you wanna show me what you were doin'?" Mary asked. Natalie nodded, tugging Mary over to her blocks. 

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