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"Hey lovey. Can you open your pretty lil' eyes for Mummy?" Luna heard a familiar Scottish voice ask. They opened their eyes, looking up into Mary's face. Mary smiled, lowering the bars of the crib. "Morning petal. Do you know what today is?" 

Luna shook their head as Mary picked them up.

"It's Easter!" Mary exclaimed excitedly.

"Bunny?!" Luna asked, wiggling around happily.

"That's right love. The Easter Bunny came and hid tons of eggs in the backyard for you and Nattie to find!" Mary explained, setting them down on the changing table. "Let me get your clothes real quick, love."

Mary first looked at the pacifier stand, picking out a pink pacifier with a white bunny and the word 'bunny' spelled out on the handle in pink beads. She then pulled out a plain, pastel pink onesie and blue skirtalls. She also pulled out a pair of pink and white striped knee-highs, and a bunny ear headband. Finally, she moved to the changing table and pulled out a white diaper with pink and blue bunnies on it. 

Luna clapped at the outfit, excited for the Easter festivities to begin. 

"Lay down love," Mary instructed, as she did every morning. Luna obliged. Mary carefully removed their star and moon patterned nightgown. She then untaped their diaper, changing them into the fresh bunny-patterned one. She then began the process of dressing them, feeling lucky that Luna was feeling cooperative and excited today. When she was finished, she completed the outfit with a pair of purple tennis shoes, carefully putting them on the Little's feet. "Aww. You look adorable, pet!"

Luna giggled, reaching up to the redhead to be held. Mary smiled and picked them up, carrying them downstairs to the kitchen. When they arrived downstairs, Natalie and Renee were on the couch watching the Easter episode of Winnie the Pooh. Luna tugged at Mary's sleeve.

"What's the matter, love?" Mary asked.

"Paci," Luna babbled. Mary gently popped the pink bunny pacifier into their mouth. Mary then set Luna on the opposite side of Renee.

"There's my other little bunny," Renee cooed, petting their head. It was clear that Renee and Mary had decided on their outfits beforehand, as Natalie had nearly the same outfit on, however, instead of pink, she had mostly blue.

Luna and Natalie both snuggled into Renee. The raven-haired woman smiled, petting both of their heads as they suckled on their pacifiers. 

"All ready in here!" Mary called.

"Ok babe!" Renee replied, shutting off the TV. Both Littles whined. "Don't you wanna decorate some eggs for Easter?"

"Fought da Eath'ter bunny al'eady came," Luna lisped around their paci.

"He did, but these eggs are for us to eat. They're hard-boiled," Renee explained. Luna nodded, and Renee picked the two up, carrying them into the kitchen. She set them in chairs next to each other. 

"Alright, lemme show you how first," Mary began before beginning to showing them how to dye and paint the eggs.


By the end, the Littles had managed to make quite the mess. Both Caregivers looked at each other and smiled. 

"Alright loves. Let's get cleaned up. Can you two go wash your hands in the loo?" Mary asked. Both nodded, eager to follow instructions. They dashed into the bathroom, washing their hands, before returning to the kitchen to find the table clean, as Mary had been smark enough to put down newspaper. Suddenly, Luna's stomach growled loudly.

"Aww.. Are you hungry, bunny?" Renee asked, picking them up and setting them in their highchair.

"'M hung'y doo Mama," Natalie mumbled behind her blue bunny pacifier.

"Of course you are, honey," Renee cooed, putting her in her chair. "We'll get breakfast cooking so we can get something in those little tummies of yours, and then we can go hunt all the eggs that the Easter Bunny left for you."

"'ay!" Both Littles chanted. Renee walked toward the stove to start their food, while Mary walked over to put their bibs on. They had matching bibs for the occasion. Both were simple white bibs with bunnies on them. Luna's bunny was pink, while Natalie's bunny was blue. 

"Can I have your dummies?" Mary asked gently. Natalie took hers out of her mouth, while Luna sat motionless. "Luna, pet, I need your dummy, just for a wee bit while you eat breakfast."

"Mmmm!" Luna hummed in annoyance, shaking their head. Mary sighed.

"Why not?" Mary asked.

"Co'fy," Luna explained.

"I know love, but you can't eat with your dummy in, and your tummy keeps growling because your hungry," Mary explained. "I promise after breakfast you can have it back."

"Otay," Luna mumbled, taking out their dummy.

"Good petal," Mary praised, taking their pacifier. She placed the two pacifiers next to the sink. 


As promised, the pacifiers were returned to the Little owners after breakfast. Luna immediately popped theirs back in, while Natalie handed hers back.

"No want dummy taday, Mummy," she explained. "Wan' talk like big girl."

"Alright love. Just let me know if you want it," Mary said sweetly, putting on it's cover and placing it into her pocket. "Are you two ready?" They nodded, and Mary picked them up.

"Mummy, down, p'ease," Natalie explained.

"Oh? Are you feeling extra big today, Nattie?" Mary asked. Natalie nodded. "That's alright love! Do you wanna hold Mummy's hand?" Natalie nodded. "Alrighty."

Mary took her hand, leading her to the backyard. She carefully set Luna down, and Renee handed them their buckets. 

"Alright babies. Luna, you're with me. Natalie, you're with Mommy. Don't run off, or you might fall and get hurt. And don't take eggs from each other. Those are the only rules. Understood?" Renee explained. Luna and Natalie both nodded, Natalie grabbing hold of Mary's hand. Luna toddled over to Renee, hesitantly grabbing her hand.

Luna wasn't as standoffish toward Renee as they had orignally been, though they were still closer to Mary. Renee understood this, but figured that this could be a good bonding activity for the two of them.

"Alright. Ready, set, go!" Renee called out. Luna began toddling toward the brightly colored eggs, feeling the different textures before putting them into the pail. Natalie was far quicker, and she knew it. Not wanting to invade on Luna's eggs and upset them, she lead Mary to the far side of the yard. Mary smiled, noting how Natalie had grown to love her new position as big sister. 

After around half and hour, all the eggs had been collected, and both Littles were smiling excitedly. 

"How about we go inside and see what you got?" Renee asked, causing the two to nod eagerly. 

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