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"Are we ready, love?" Mary asked Luna, who nodded. Natalie had already been taken to daycare by Renee, who was headed to work at the lab. Mary opened the side door behind the driver's seat, picking up Luna and setting them down the seat. "Awh, I'm sorry, dear. I forgot that we don't have a car seat for ya, yet."

"'S otays," Luna said softly.

"You're such a sweet little petal, ya know that?" Mary asked, ruffling their hair. She shut the door before climbing into the driver's seat.

"Today, we're goin' to a very special mall for wee ones like you and Nattie. I'll ask you to pick some things, and then you can go to the play area for a lil' bit while I get the furniture. Does that sound good to you?"

"'es," Luna lisped, clapping their hands. 

"Good. Now, what are your favorite colors, love?"

"Fav'ite cow'r b'ue," Luna replied. "Wight b'ue, wike m' haiw."

"Oh? What other colors do you like?"

"'ink, wike cot'in tandy! An' wewwow, 'ike 'nana i'e c'eam."

Mary nodded. So, pastel pink, blue, and yellow. She could work with that. Soon, they arrive at a yellow building. Not bright, taxi yellow, but a soft, creamy yellow, like the inside of a banana, or banana ice cream, as Luna had said. 

"Alright love. So first, I'll take ya to the feedin' shop, then we'll go to the toy store, and finally the clothing store. After that, I'll be gettin' some more things while you are playin' in the play area. Does that sound good?" Mary asked. Luna thought for a moment.

"Nom noms?" Luna asked. 

"Oh! Right! Before we go pick out toys, we'll get somethin' in our tummies," Mary corrected.

"Yay!" Luna said, clapping. Mary unbuckled them, before picking them up. It was amazing, really, the effect that being part of a family had on the Little. Mary would have to talk to Loba and Kairi and their progress. Mary carried them into the mall, before setting them down and taking thier hand. She led them over to a store called 'Little's First Food' with a bottle between the words 'Little's' and 'First.' Luna whimpered at the bright light and went closer to Mary.

"Shh. It's alright, love. Come on, let's go to the bib section first," Mary said, leading them over to a section with several bibs. "Now, you may choose 3."

The first bib Luna choose had a large blue paw print on a white background with pastel blue trim. The second was a red strawberry pattern on a pastel pink background with red trim. The final was one that Mary was quite familiar with. It was a bib with a Nessie on the front on a white background with pastel green trim. 

"Great job, dearie!" Mary said, before looking own at Luna. The Little had tears in their eyes. "Oh, love. What's wrong?"

"'s too bwight," the mumbled, hugging the redhead tightly and hiding their face in her stomach.

"Oh, I'm sorry, dear. Come on, let's check out. Then we can go to the quiet zone until you calm down, ok?" Luna nodded, and Mary felt something wet on her shirt. "Oh, pet. Shh... No need to cry. Come on, I've got you."

She moved slowly toward the counter with the bibs.

"Hello, miss- Oh, are they alright?" The woman at the front counter asked.

"Poor loves havin' a meltdown from the bright lights. We're gonna go to the quiet zone for a bit until they calm down."

"Ah. If you'd like, I can hold these items until you get back. A name, please?"

"Mary Somers."

"Alright. Get them somewhere to calm down," the cashier said reassuringly. Mary picked up Luna gently, carrying them out of the bright shop. She carried them into a room marked 'Quiet Room.' Luna continued to sob into Mary's shoulder as she sat down with the Little in her lap.

"'M s-so s-s-sorry," Luna sobbed out. "T-This... A-Always happens to m-me."

"Shh. Lovey, it's not your fault. You can't help these things. It's ok if you need breaks sometimes, or even if you can't handle being in the shops. It's perfectly ok," Mary soothed, rubbing their back. "I have an idea. How about this. You can tell me what ya like, and I can write it down and get things for you that make you happy that way."

"W-Weawwy?" Luna asked, slipping back into a deep headspace. They pulled away slightly to look up at Mary with their teary eyes.

"Of course. I promise I'll do anything I can to make you happy and comfy," Mary explained. She shifted the Little a bit to reach into her pocket. She pulled out a pen and a pad of paper. She quickly jotted down what she knew already. She knew that Luna like pastel colors, especially pink, yellow and blue. She knew that Luna liked Strawberry Shortcake from their excitement over the movie last night. She knew that Luna liked paw prints, strawberries, and Nessies from their choice in bibs. She also knew not to get anything scratchy or with bumps or sequence on it from taking care of Natalie, who would scratch off the textures that she didn't like when it was bothering her. 

"What shows or characters do you like?" Mary asked, trying to distract the distressed Little. 

"Hmm. I wike B'ue's Cwues. An' Doc M'Duffins, an wove St'awbewwy S'ortcake. 'N I weawwy wike Cawe Beaws," Luna said.

"Ooo! Those are all wonderful! What other things do you like, darlin'?" Mary asked, rubbing their back with one hand, and writing with the other. 

"I wike cwouds, dey pwetty. 'N staws. I never seen staws, bu' I heawd dey pwetty, too. 'N I wike th' moon, cuz it's all bwight in da sty. 'N I wove heawts, cuz dey so cute 'n pwetty, 'nd wolves, cuz dey pwotec' me f'om mon'ters," Luna explained, forgetting about their meltdown. 

"Those are all beautiful. Now, I'm gonna call Renee to bring you home, because you seem exhausted, and we don't want you getting all upset again. Is that okay?" Mary asked. Luna nodded, before tearing up again.

"'M sowwy for wuining eve'yt'ing," Luna said, their voice cracking.

"Oh love..." Mary set down the pen and paper, hugging Luna tightly as they cried again. "No... It's not your fault, pup. You didn't do anything. Silly Mummy just didn't plan ahead enough. It's not your fault."

"O-Otay," Luna mumbled into Mary's shoulder. 

"You're such a good pup. And you tried your best. And as long as you try your best, Mummy and Mama will always be proud of you," Mary promised.

"Pwomise?" Luna asked.


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