The Playroom

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Mary carried them to the playroom, and was about to set them down when she felt a tug on her sweater. 

"What is it, love?" Mary asked.

"I fought Nattie wath at Daycare," Luna said.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. The daycare is closed for a month or two. They're doin' construction," Mary explained.

"No daycare?" Luna asked.

"Not for a bit. But that might be for the best. You need some time to adjust," Mary explained, patting Luna on the head. Luna nodded. Mary took their hand, leading them into the playroom. 

"'una!" Natalie squealed, preparing to run up to them, but instead tripped on her tower, causing it to fall, and her to fall with it. Mary let go of Luna's hand, rushing over. But it was too late. Natalie had fallen with the tower. She was crying quietly. Luna began running toward her, not liking seeing people hurt.

"Oh darlin... Shh.. You're alright. Come on," Mary cooed, picking up Natalie, who clung to her neck. She appeared to have hurt her hand and scraped her knee during the fall. "Luna, love. Could you stay here and be a good pup for Mummy?"

Luna nodded, looking down at the floor. They felt guilty, knowing that it was their fault that the small blond was hurt. They shook their head and looked around. The room appeared to be split in two. One half was painted in dark blue and had brightly colored toys, while the other side was painted in pastel blue and had softer looking toys. After a moment, they realized that Natalie must have had two littlespaces, causing the room to be split in two for those two different mindsets. Either that, or Luna had remembered seeing a transgender pride flag in Natalie's room. They wondered if the blond switched genders with her different headspaces.

They walked to the pastel side of the room, seeing a toy box labeled 'Luna' in blue and pink letters. They turned around a spotted a similar box on the other side of the room labeled 'Natalie' in orange and dark blue letters. 

Next to their box, they saw several shelves, a kitchen set, and a miniature nursery for baby dolls or stuffed animals. They decided to look in their chest. 

There were many toys, mainly stuffed animals and doctor supplies. They wondered for a moment how the women had known that they'd wanted to be a doctor, and then realized that they always played doctor during playtime at the daycare. Natalie must have told them. 

Luna then walked to the other side of the room, to see a similar setup in darker colors, but with the addition of a space-themed section and a dollhouse. Suddenly, the door opened, and Mary and Natalie came back in, Natalie clapping and giggling, her injuries seemingly forgotten.

"Now, you need to be more careful next time, love. Wouldn't want you getting hurt again, would we?" Mary asked, booping Natalie on the nose.

"Nuh uh. I no fall again, Mummy. I pwomise," Natalie promised, before Mary set her down and smiled at Luna.

"What do you two want to play?" 

"Doctor!" Luna called out.

"Blocks!" Natalie blurted out.

"Hmmm. How about this? We'll build a doctor's office with blocks, and then we play doctor?" Mary asked. Both Littles clapped happily, cheering.

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