Chapter nine: Breakups and apologies

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Your POV

It's been about a few weeks since me and Ariana spoke last. If she isn't apologising then fuck her. I dont care. While i play on my xbox, my phone rings. I look at who it is. It's Ariana. Speak of the devil. I answer the call.

"What do you want Ariana? I'm kinda in the middle of something." I say.

"Y-Y/n i.... I'm sorry."

Shit. She apologised. But she sounds really upset.

"It's okay. I forgive you. Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah.... no."

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"We broke up...."

"You and-"

"Yeah." She says.

"That's bad. I'm sorry." I say.

"It's fine. It didn't like.... it sucked and it hurt. I just wasn't expecting it. Cos we'd been absolutely fine just before that. I guess i just didn't know how to feel." Ariana says.

"Do you wanna meet up? We can hang out." I suggest.

"You wanna do that? After i called you a bellend, acted like a child and didn't apologise for it?" Ariana asks.

"Yeah. I do. I probably could've gone about it better."  I say.

"No you couldn't. I was being childish about it and should've accepted that you didn't wanna third wheel me and her." Ariana says.

I just accept that I'm not winning this one. I meet her at the park. We just sit together.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask.

She tells me exactly what happened and i just nod.

"I mean i didn't do anything. We were completely fine. She brought me to this like.... forrest and it was beautiful. She just.... dropped it like a bomb. 'I dont wanna be with you anymore, I'm sorry'. Then she left. She left me right there." Ariana says.

"Do you want me to do something about her?" I ask.

"No no. No it's okay." She says.

"No that's not okay. That's horrible what she's done to you. Absolutely horrible. I know worse people than her and they've never done that shit to anybody. That's disgusting." I say.

"Y/n it's fine." Ariana says.

"It's not." I say.

"You're pissed about this aren't you?" She asks.

"Exceedingly pissed off. That's disgusting what she's done to you." I say.

"It'll be fine." Ariana says.

I just nod. We just sit together for ages and talk. I can feel my heart getting tighter in my chest the longer we talk. And I'm getting a little tired. I think she can notice how I'm feeling.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Ariana asks.


"Dont lie to me Y/n."

"I'm not I'm fine." I say.

"Y/n you're full of shit i can hear it in your voice. Talk to me." Ariana says.

"I'm fine." I say.

"Y/n just stop. I know you're not fine. Do not lie to me." She says.

"What exactly do you want me to say?" I ask.

"What's wrong with you. That's what i want you to say." Ariana says.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm just tired. And I'm not happy with what she did to you. That's what's wrong." I lie.

"There's something else bothering you. Why dont you just tell me what's wrong?" Ariana asks.

"Because there's nothing wrong." I say.

"It's not that deep Y/n. Just tell me what's wrong."

"If it's not that deep then drop it." I say.

"Wow. Oh my god."

I roll my eyes and shake my head. We both remain silent. I'm not telling her yet. Think up a reasonable lie Y/n. Just a lie to get you out of this because i dont wanna fall out with her again.

"Sorry. The past few days have been a little stressful. I've had a lot of papers and shit to sign." I say.

"It's okay. Sorry. I just get really protective over my friends. I hate seeing them upset." Ariana says.

"It's fine. Dont worry. I get that." I say.

After a while, we decide to go to her house. Tom drops us off and drives off. She sneaks me into the house and up to her room.

"Why'd we have to sneak?"

"Cos I'm not dealing with my mum and Frankie being the way i know they will. So if they ask, you're not here." Ariana says.

"Ariana who have you just sneaked into your bedroom?"

"Nobody." I say.

Ariana looks at me.

"Who is that?"

"Me. I've been doing voice acting." Ariana says.

'Hide' She mouths to me.

She shoves me under her bed. The door opens and in walks who i can only assume to be her mum.

"Who is in your room?" She asks.

"Me. I told you. Voice acting." Ariana says.

"I'm not stupid."

"Okay fine. You can come out."

I climb out fron under Ariana's bed and her mum's face drops.

"Oh my god. You're....the princess is in my house."

"Mum just take a deep breath. Y/n, this is mum. Mum, Y/n."

Her mum shakes my hand. I just smile.

"You do know you dont have to profess your undying love for any of my family while I'm here right?"

"I know but not many people get to say their daughter is friends with the Princess. I mean that's just crazy." Her mum says.

"I know. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Her mum eventually leaves and we just sit on her bed. She puts on a movie on Netflix.

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