Chapter four: Facetime

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While you draw, you decide to face time Ariana. Just a sneaky way of seeing her face as she doesn't know you're drawing her. She answers and you smile.

"Hey." You say.

"Hey. How comes you've called?" Ariana asks.

"Just hang with my friend. Over call." You say.

She cant help but smile at your comment. You both spend ages on call just laughing and joking with each other. You're still drawing. Ariana gets curious.

"What ya drawing?" Ariana asks.

"What i was drawing earlier." You say.

"Yeah, silly, what were you drawing earlier?" Ariana asks.

"Secret." You say.

"Heyy." She whines.

"Nope. It's a secret." You say.

"Meanie." She says.

"I know." You say.

After a while, you finally finish the drawing and smile.

"All done. You can see it now." You say.

You send her a photo of it. It looks like this.

She goes bright red

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

She goes bright red.

"Wow. You drew this?"

"Yep. I did. Started it in Art earlier. What do you think?" You ask.

"This is amazing Y/n. It's- wow."

"Do you think i should post it? Or would like me to not post it?"

"Go for it. Post it. I dont mind. It's an amazing drawing." Ariana says.

You take a photo of it and post it. Obviously tagging Ariana.


Liked by, ArianaGrande and 250,000,000 others

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Liked by, ArianaGrande and 250,000,000 others.

Y/nThirlwall-Edwards: what do you guys think? Drawing of @ArianaGrande. I think it's quite good.

The comments get absolutely exploded. Then Ariana's phone buzzes. It's Liz.

Dude! Have you seen the drawing of you Y/n did?!

She sent me a picture of it
It's amazing

It's phenomenal
She captured you down to a T

Ariana smiles. You cant help but smile. She looks at you in the camera.

"What?" She asks.

"Nothing. You have a pretty smile though." You say.

She goes red and bites her lip.

"Thank you."

You both continue talking for a little longer before she has to go as her mum says she needs to go to sleep.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow. Sleep well love." You say.

"Stop i feel like a tomato." Ariana says.

You laugh.

"You look like one." You say.

"Hey! Thas mean."

You laugh again. She laughs.

"Good night Ariana."

"Good night Y/n."

She blows a kiss at you and ends the call. You put your phone on charge and go downstairs. Jade and Perrie look at you.

"What's up hon?" They ask.

"I think you're right. I think i like her." You say.

They smile.

"I thought it was too early into knowing her." Perrie says.

"You two fell head over heels in 30 minutes. Dont even." You say.

They laugh. You sit on the sofa opposite to the one they're sat on and you all watch the TV together.

"She's really pretty and she's so nice." You say.

"What does she look like?" Jade asks.

"About 5'3. Dyed red hair. Really really pretty." You say.

"You've got it bad Y/n. Already." Perrie says.

You lay your head backwards.

"Perfect." You mumble.

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