The Hidden World

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Scene cuts, in the sky and above the ocean with Peter and MJ riding Stormfly. They are still searching for (Y/N)

"Where--where is she heading?"said Peter.

"She's tracking something, aren't you, girl?"said MJ.

Stormfly flies closer to the ocean.

"There's nothing but miles and miles of--"said Peter but was cut off by the scene in front of him.

Suddenly, they notice water spray above the ocean and keep heading towards it. When they get closer, they find out it is a huge waterfall.

"A great waterfall--"said Peter.

"At the end of the world."finish MJ.

They look at each other, stunned, and then Stormfly flies into the waterfall.

"Stormfly!"screams MJ.

They enter the hidden world after flying through the waterfall. Stormfly scents' an entrance to the mushroom forest of the hidden world.

They fly over bright blue water and then enter a section of the hidden world where there are tall pillars with bioluminescence. Stormfly starts to glow. Peter laughs.

"Wow!"said MJ

"Look!" Said Peter pointing at the edge of the cliff.

They continue flying. When they fly past some dragon eggs, the eggs glow and the baby dragons become visible.

They then fly with hundreds of thousands of fireworms and try to touch some. Then, they arrive at the center point of the Hidden World, which is the throne room for the queen of dragons.

MJ gasps. MJ spots a dragon which is very close so she tries to hide and land somewhere. They land and start walking.

"It really does exist."said Peter

Lots of dragons are flying above them so they try and lay low. They stop walking and lay down at the edge of a cliff, watching the dragons fly inside the hidden world. On a high part of the hidden world, (Y/N) is with Atlas.

"(Y/N)" said Peter trying to stand up.

"Shhh. You'll spook them."said MJ pulling Peter down.

In there dragon forms,(Y/N) and Atlas fly down from where they were and fly around with a group of dragons flying behind them.

A few dragons watch and roar on the ground.(Y/N) and Atlas land on a gigantic crystal, looking over a large part of the Hidden World. All the dragons that are standing on the ground roar for (Y/N). (Y/N) roars very loudly.

"Now that's a queen."said MJ.

After roaring,(Y/N) turns around and looks at Atlas happily.Atlas  walks to (Y/N) and then they both do the mating dance,after that they.
sit side by side and watch the crowd of dragons bow for their king and queen.Peter looks upset as he realizes the truth for the future.MJ looks at Peter and tries to comfort him.

"We should go."said Peter.

Suddenly, they find out a Rumblehorn is behind them.

They stand up and walk backwards away from the dragon just before stepping off.Peter tries to tame the dragon by holding out his hand but the dragon roars, causing all of the dragons and dragon shifters to be aware of danger especially (Y/N)

"Stormfly!"said MJ.

Pete and MJ jump off of the cliff and slide down the cliff face.(Y/N) quickly shifts and flies towards them and stops the other dragons from coming with him.Atlas looks worried and confused. As Peter and MJ slide down, they dodge the dragons trying to attack them. They fall to the bottom of the cliff on their hands but stand up quickly.

"Go! Go!"said MJ.

They run away from the Rumblehorn which is still chasing them.(Y/N) pushes the dragons out of the way, trying to save Peter and MJ. (Y/N) just manages to grab them.

"I-I'm sorry bud. I-I-I just--"said Peter.

(Y/N) roared at the following dragons and stops more dragons from attacking them and then they all escape safely.
(Y/N) drops MJ on Stormfly as they flew out of the hidden world.

(Y/N) glances back sadly at the opening of the hidden world,wondering if she'll see Atlas again.

688 words.
Omg y'all the next chapter is gonna be the last 😱 like wth! But anyways thanks for the amazing reading!! Have a good day/night!!
Ps.Happy valentines 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷

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