New Base

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••Location:somewhere in the Pacific Ocean••

All of the compound and inhabitants and dragons flew together in search of land
On a ship, being carried by a dragon, a sheep is wearing a dragon outfit. It bleats proudly until he spots a dragon which makes it duck back in the ship.

"Excuse me. Coming through. Just skipping through here. Fishmeat, eat your rocks. Eat your rocks."said Ned.

Ned flies through with Fishmeat crying and excited.Ned gives Fishmeat a rock to eat. Fishmeat eats it vigorously)

"Gah! People who fly with babies are the worst!"said Flash.

Flash ducks as Fishmeat's lava blast hits Flash seat.

"I feel like I'm always asking you this question but- woah!"said Bruce.

Bruce suddenly loses control of his dragon, Grump.

"Wake up, Grump! Wake up!"said Bruce.

Peter uses his spyglass to look at the horizon.

"Is there an actual plan or--"said Bruce.

"Just keep flying until we reach the end of the world."said Peter.

"Ah, seems sensible."said Bruce.

••Location:The old Avengers compound••

"So? Where are they?!"said Doc.Ock

"Gone. Obviously."said Kraven.

"The Night Fury shifter escaped you? Again!"said Kingpin.

"I encouraged it. They've abandoned their only defensible position."said Kraven.

"Running scared with what little they can carry."said Kraven.

••With the Riders••

"Ugh. It just keeps going."said Flash.

"That's because the world is actually round."said Pietro sarcastically.

(Peter rolls his eyes at there playful fighting,shakes his head and then keeps looking through his spyglass.

"The Sun is round. Moon is round."said Pietro.

MJ chuckles, shakes her head and looks at May.

(Y/N) senses something.

"Stars are round. Even though they're small and stupid."said Pietro

"Right? Stars."said Pietro.

••Back with the warlords••

"Don't fret. They won't get far. The Night Fury shifter is distracted. I introduced her to your male shifter."said Kraven.

••Back with the riders••

(Y/N) keeps sensing something.

••Back with the warlords••

"Furie shifters mate for life, you see."said Kraven.

••Back with the riders••

"What're you picking up on, bud?"said Peter.

Atlas is seen to have been following the riders.

"The Light Fury!"said MJ.

"He's following us!"said May.

Atlas shoots a plasma blast and turns invisible.

"Would you look at that!"said Tony.

"Where did he  go? Is he made of sky?"said Pietro.

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