New Alpha

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••Unknown location••

The rest of the gang arrive at Obadiah's camp. They drop Loki in the snow. He tries to run, but Stormfly lands atop Loki.

"Agghh! Okay! I got you here, now get this thing off me!"said Loki.

"Never take a toy from a dragon. Don't you know anything?"said MJ.

Stormfly broods over Loki like a mother hen on an egg.

"Gah! Why does this keep happening to me?"said Loki.

"What's down there?"said MJ.

"Large diameter bubbles, massive lungs, cold water deep dweller, I'm thinking class five leviathan, maybe six."said Ned.

Obadiah's men tranquilize the dragons and capture the gang.

"Meatlug!"said Ned

"Hookfang!"said Flash.

"What's wrong, girl?"said Ned

"Don't move!"said an hunter.

"Obadiah! Get off me! Always great to see you, my friend! Keeping warm up here? Well, as you can see, I'm right on time with a new batch of dragons, just like I promised."said Loki.

Hookfang wakes up

"He's waking up!"said an hunter.

Hookfang hits one of the hunters.

"Give me some backup here!"said the hunter.

"Watch out!"said an other hunter.

"Drop the ropes."said Obadiah.

Hookfang breathes fire on Obadiah, who shields himself with his cloak

Obadiah starts to scream, swinging his bull hook. Hookfang lowers his head to the ground and Obadiah steps on his snout.

"Hookfang!"said Flash.

"Hey!" Said Wanda.

"What are you doing?"said MJ.

"You belong to me now." Said Obadiah.

"And as an added bonus, I also caught you their riders. No extra charge."said Loki.

"What?! Are you kidding me?!"said MJ.

"But you were so perfect!"said Wanda.

"Turns out, there's a whole bunch of them out there. They--"said Loki.

Obadiah grabs Loki's neck.

[{This giving that big grape that likes to collect skittles vibes}]

"How many?"said Obadiah

"Obadiah doesn't have them after all."said MJ.

"HOW MANY?!"said Obadiah.

"Hundreds! A whole island full!"said MJ.

"I wouldn't worry about it. My men are hunting them down as we speak. They won't know where you're hiding. I promise you that."said Loki.

Obadiah drops Loki.

"Oh, yes they will!  They know we're missing and they have tracking dragons. If you so much as touch us,(Y/N) and Peter is gonna--"said MJ.

"(Y/N) and Peter?"said Obadiah.

"They are not a problem. Really. Trust me."said Loki.

"He's only the son of Tony Stark... his heir to the next  Leader of the Avengers ... and the greatest Dragon Master this world has ever seen!"said MJ

~The Dragon Shifter~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang