The Final Exam

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Peter P.O.V. : Bet ya dint see that coming 😏

I stand infront of the opening gates that held my last task.

3 P.O.V.

The gates weren't even half opened yet,suddenly it burst into hot flames, with an Monstrous Nightmare in his place.

The dragon decided to climb the arena walls and shooting a fireball to near bystanders.
The Monstrous Nightmare climb the arenas roof until spotting Peter in the middle of the arena.

The beast lower himself in front of Peter. "Go on Peter! Give it to him!" said a random bystander.

Ever so slowly the dragon stalks to Peter. Peter being the dragon lover he was dropped his shield and weapon to show that he meant no harm.

"What is he doing?" said Tony.
People began to mumble about the young boy choice.

"Hey, it's ok, it's ok." Peter told softly to the dragon in front of him.The dragon still stalks to Peter . Peter grabs his helmet and looks into the dragons eye.

"I'm not one of them" Peter spoke.Throwing the helmet to the ground.The dragon eye's went big. Gasps was heard all over the arena.

"Stop the fight" Tony said.
"No!,I need you all to see this"spoke Peter. Peter reaches out his hand to the dragon.

"They're not what we think they are.We don't have to kill them."Peter spoke.

"I SAID STOP THE FIGHT" Tony yelled.  "Out of my way"Tony pushes people out of the way.

Frightened, the Nightmare attacks Peter.MJ somehow got in the arena. " Peter! PETER!" MJ screams.

~Meanwhile, at the cavern, (Y/N) heard Peter's screams and races to the Arena~

Tony quickly opened the arena's gate and called the two teens. "This way!!"

MJ escapes but a fireball was shot at the gate and Peter ran the other way ending up under the Nightmare claws.

Suddenly,a resonating blast fires at the Arena roof. (Y/N) jumps into the Arena and started fighting with the nightmare.

"Night Fury!" Clint said in astonishment.

(Y/N) P.O.V.:

I growl at the people and flick some away from Peter. "Alright, (Y/N), go.Get out of here!" Peter yells and  nudged me away.
I still stood my ground

"Night Fury"said a random person.  "Go!,GO!" pleaded Peter. "Take it alive!" screams another person.

An person with weird red and gold armor ran at me. "Mr.Stark, no!" Screams MJ.
I growl louder to try and threaten the man.

"No,Tony,she won't hurt you!"Peter said to the man. "No,don't!You're only making it worse! (Y/N),STOP!" Peter screams.

I tackled other people out of the way and then tackle the man with the weird armor to the ground ready to blast him.

"No!,NOOOO!" Peter screams.I immediately stop and turn to look at him with an apologetic look. "Get her"somebody screams. I got hit in the face and was pushed down by multiple people.

"No,no, please just don't hurt her" plead Peter. I huffed in pain and discomfort. "Please don't hurt her"said Peter while being taken away by MJ.

I opened my eyes and looked at the man with weird armor.
"Put her with the others." spoke the man.

*I Sids voice* Hey I ain't dead
Ya heya guys I dint have the motivation to write the book anymore but I have now so don't you guys worry more updates will be coming and we are so close to the end so ya love ya thx for the support on this book     

P.S have a great day/Night 😄.

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