Night Fury shifter killer

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••Next day••
••Compounds dragon Stable••

"What do you mean, gone?"said Flash.

"Vanished! Into thin air."said Peter.

"What do you think?"said Ned showing Peter a picture of Atlas that is slightly incorrect.

"Uh-uh. Stubbier ears and one intact dorsal fin"said Peter.

Peter hands the drawing back to Ned

"Okay, got it."said Ned.

"Haha. What a night."said Loki.

(Y/N) comes in her human form stuttering and blushing.

"What-what's gotten into you? What is all this...stuttering and blushing?"said Peter.

"Isn't it obvious? She's in love!"said MJ.

"Trust me, relationships are nothing but pain and misery."said Peter.

Peter directed it to (Y/N), but MJ hears it and punches Peter.

"Ugh."said MJ.

"What did I just say? Am-am I not enough?"said Peter.

(Y/N) just rolled her eyes and walks away and spots two Deadly Nadders who are performing a mating dance.She walks closer to watch how they dance.

"I think that's a no."said Pietro.

(Y/N) watches the Deadly Nadders.
Ned shows Peter another sketch of the Light Fury.

"Something like this?"said Ned.

"You know what? Just trace your (Y/N)'s card and make him white."said Peter.

Peter hands the drawing back to Ned.

"You could have led with that..."said Ned

"Can you believe it? (Y/N) has a boyfriend!"said MJ.

"I never took you for a romantic. Like, ever!"said Peter.

"But it's so sweet. I mean, look!"said MJ.

(Y/N) shifted in her dragon form and flirts with her own shadow on a wall in the same way the two Deadly Nadders were. She strokes her face on the wall and pushes her head towards it.

"Oh, okay. That's just sad...and weird."said Pietro.

"Yeah, you better do something."said Wanda.

"Seriously? I'd rather shovel poop all day than watch that."said Flash.

"Alright. Let's head back to the woods and see if we can find him,"said Peter.

As (Y/N) hears that, she quickly looks at Peter and shows her excitement by running around.

"Ah. Good idea!"said Pietro.

Pietro walks with Peter with his arm over Peters shoulder.

"A little privacy."said Pietro.

"Uhhh..."said Peter.

"Shh. It's boy talk!"said Pietro.

"What?"said Peter.

They walk off to the forest together with (Y/N).

"Come on. Let's go work this out."said Pietro.

••The forest near the compound••

Peter,(Y/N) and Pietro walks through the forest.(Y/N) walks a head of Peter in her dragon form stil searching for Atlas.

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