Chapter 34 - One pirate king

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"We can fight them if they attack us." I added staring at the people of fishman island. We are still in the ship though.

"You can sleep or something you want to do. I can take care of them." Zoro said in confidence. I'm standing beside him now. I just shake my head because of what he just said. I know Zoro you can defeat them but you need to be conscious  not to kill them merciless.

"What did you just say, you moron?!" Sanji roared.

"I cannot wait! Let's get wild guys!" Franky said excitedly.

We jumped out from the ship except for Franky and Pappag and the people around the plaza started to whisper that the other members of straw hats are gathering. We walked in confidence towards our captain. Who was also heading towards us.

The people of Fishman Island started to question what is really our intention. Are we either friends or enemies. Luffy was not paying attention on them. I reach Jinbei and melt the chained around him. He thanked me for that.

"Answer us, Strawhat!"

Luffy met us and turn towards the questioning citizens of Fishman Island.

"Friends or Foes? That is something you have to decide in your own!" Luffy respond and turn towards the enemies. The citizens seems to understand that we were on their side and they started to cheered on us, also because Jinbei is with us. One of the new fishman pirates mocked luffy that don't push his luck because he is just a human pirate. We ignored him completely.

Brook walk torwards Shirahoshi. "Princess, you are really gorgeous! May i see your panties?"

Before the princess could respond, Nami punch on his head and a bump appear. "Don't asked the princess on that thing!" Nami snarled.

"Then show me yours." Brook asked back. Nami punch him again.

"Why would i ?!!!"

"Nami, don't beat him to much. We need his help to fight the enemies." I calmed nami and she sigh.

"Y-n san you are really kind, could i see your panties?!" Brook asked excitedly.

I deadpanned on him and turn to Nami. "On a second thought, you can beat him again." Nami laugh on that and she punch again the skeleton.

"Guys, we are finally together!" Luffy exclaimed.

Sanji then said we are the one who rescue Zoro's group, but the swordman said that they exit on their own. Usopp agree on it. Pappag then said they could not do it without him. Nami and Luffy got confused on that. Usopp explain that Brook become a ghost to find help when they got caught. Before the water could reach the cage, pappag and brook arrive carrying the all Zoro's swords. Zoro had to cut the chain and the water started to flow heavily. They swam out and luckily our group made on time to save them before they got out of breathe.

"Their captain got beaten by luffy, they don't seem to be worried." Chopped stated. I nod and also notice it.

"Yeah, there is something off." Robin agree. Looking at the other leaders of the opponents crew.

Nami handed the letter to the mermaid princess. She thank us and said that the letter is the hope of the island that the late queen left behind. Luffy then said that Yowahoshi will not be safe here.

"Her capture was not part of our plan, neither her own self to escape." Jinbei stated.

"Luffy-sama??What did you just call me? You were calling me coward before." Shirahoshi said softly. Luffy turn to her and smile.

"Well, i don't know everything but you are not coward as i thought you were. I will call you Yowahoshi starting now!"

Robin and Nami said comforting words to the mermaid princess. Some of us notice that hody stand up and he look more dangerous now.

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