A Whole New World (4)

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"Oh, well, that looks delicious. Thank you so much, Belle."

Gold's rare happiness as he and Belle enjoy lunch together was quickly stripped away as not a second after the words leave his lips the door to his store is kicked open with such inhuman strength that the door went flying off its hinges and crashes to the ground.
As Belle lets out a shocked gasp, Gold quickly pulls her behind him before a small smirk grazes his lips as he feels it.

The pure power.

Sure enough, as he looks over into the doorway his eyes land on a furious Buffy Anne Summers standing over the now broken door with the scythe clutched tightly in her grasp.
"Knock, knock..." Buffy teases as she strolls into the store heading straight for the newly reunited couple without care "Oh I'm sorry did I interrupt date night?"
As the sarcastic comment leaves her lips, Gold couldn't help but chuckle in amusement, the stories he had heard about her did not do her justice, Buffy Summers was one of a kind.

Across all three worlds, there was no one truly like her.

"Now this should be interesting..." He mumbles only for the blonde to actually take him off guard by wrapping her hand around his throat before tossing him clean across the room, sending him tumbling across the store floor.
"What are you doing!" Belle exclaims as she moves to help only to jump back as Buffy merely raises her weapon in warning, while she wouldn't hurt the brunette, she also wouldn't let Belle get in her way.

 Although Buffy would admit that she was dying to know how in the hell Rumpelstiltskin ended up being the freaking beast from Beauty and The Beast. Though her curiosity would have to wait for another time.

"Kidnapping your boyfriend, duh." Buffy informs her patronizingly before moving over to the now thoroughly amused wizard who was pulling himself to his feet.
Before he could even mutter a word, however, the fed-up Slayer kicks him in the chest sending him crashing right out of the store window and into the street for all the townspeople to see. Not that Buffy cared, she wouldn't be here long enough to have to explain herself.

Walking out of the store as her heeled boots click loudly against the concrete Buffy comes to a stop in front of the wizard who if possible seemed more amused than ever by her violent outburst "Time we have a conversation wizard dick."
"You could have just asked dearie, without all the violence."
Buffy shrugs playfully before twirling the scythe pressing the axe-end up against his throat as a small smirk grazes her lips.

"Eh? What's the fun in that?"



Listening to the band playing in the bar that Chris had dragged her to, Buffy couldn't hold back the small smile that filled her lips. This place reminded her so much of The Bronze that it was actually a little freaky. The truth was, despite how much she had been dreading this evening, she and Chris surprisingly had been having a good time. They had talked, really talked and while a lot of what Buffy said wasn't exactly true everything she had told him had been based on truth.

There was something about him that got her to open up and it terrified her.

Spotting him holding out his hand towards her as he gestures to the dance floor with a sly smirk, Buffy eyes his eyes hesitantly before laughing softly as she takes his hand.
What harm could one dance do?
Allowing him to spin her as he pulls her onto the dance floor, the two finally collide chest to chest and as they slowly sway to the music, Chris eyed her intently, as though shocked with what he had learned about her tonight.

He had always seen her as funny and tough yes, but tonight he had seen her heart. The second she showed up here she had ended up threatening a creep who was harassing an 18-year-old waitress. She didn't even know the girl but she had stepped in.
She really did have such a kind heart which for a touch exterior he hadn't expected.
So as they sway to the music he stares down at her with a small intrigued smile as disbelief fills his eyes "You are not what I expected Sarah..."
"You don't know me as well as you think Chris." Buffy argues before letting out a small gasp as he dips her to the beat before pulling back up, their noses brushing each other softly as he stares into her eyes with such intensity that it made her freeze.

"Maybe I want to."



"I will ask you once...then I get with the slice and dice..."

Buffy hisses out as she moves towards Gold with threatening steps, all amusement and kindness gone from her eyes. She had to get home, she had been gone for too long, she had to make sure everything she went through at that Prison wasn't for nothing. She had to make sure Ward was finally dead and that her girls were safe. Pressing the blade of the axe against his skin once more Buffy ignores the sound of Belle's screams for her to stop as she continues to glare down at Gold's smirking face "How do I get back?" Raising his hands in surrender, the Dark One gives her a small nod, finally causing her to lower the scythe ever so slightly, enough so he could speak freely, but still close enough where if he tried to run she could take a leg off.
"Dearie, there is no way back. You used your one-way ticket to travel to any world...to come here..."
Freezing at his words, Buffy felt her chest tighten uncomfortably as she clenched her jaw, that couldn't be true, she was told that she had to come here to get home, so she did. She helped Mary Margaret and Emma get home under the assumption that it was a one-way stop to getting back to her world.
"No...I..." She stammers out on the verge of a complete panic attack.

"My dear, if you had used the compass alone, that portal you traveled here through, could have taken you anywhere. Including back to your world."

His words felt like a car being dropped on top of the blonde's chest, stripping away and crushing the last shred of hope she had. The lies were just piling up but this one was the worst.
She had helped them, risked her own safety to protect Mary Margaret and Emma, yet the entire time they had known that she could get home. Not once in their search for the compass did they mention that the compass also had the ability to get her home.

"Buffy, what are you doing?"

At the sound of Emma's voice coming from behind her, Buffy's hand instantly tightens around her weapon as she refused to even spare Emma, Mary Margaret, or David even a glance "Causing destruction of private property and threatening creepy lizard men..." Buffy snarks flatly before stepping away from Gold allowing Belle to quickly run to his aid "Plus ruining his date, I'm not the most subtle gal in the world."
With that, as she feels the eyes of the townspeople watching her, Buffy merely zips up her jacket before stepping over the glass-covered floor, walking away from the scene without another word.

Leaving but nothing but destruction and confusion in her wake.

As their daughter walks away, David turns a furious glare over at Gold who was slowly climbing back up to his feet. Taking a threatening step toward the all-powerful dark one, the worried father clenches his fists tightly, wanting nothing more than to break every bone in Gold's jaw "What did you say to her?"
Gold merely grins madly a small chuckle escaping his lips as he stares at the furious members of the Charming family "Nothing better than a family reunited...although she doesn't seem too pleased. I'd tell her quickly if I were you."

 At his taunting Mary Margaret lets out a frustrated huff, she hated how vague he was being, obviously whatever he had said had gotten to Buffy, given she wouldn't even look at them before she walked away "What did you say to our daughter, Gold?"

"Given she was threatening to dismember into little pieces, she has a way with words your youngest. I simply told her the truth...that if she had used the compass alone, she would be home as she desires."

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