The Grand

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"Hey Ryan?, Ryan!" Lydia cried out tapping Ryan's cheek rapidly but he didn't answer. Lora ran towards them and sat beside him, she held his hand and gasped "its cold, too cold Lydia" she said nervously.

"Let me see" Luis touched his neck then held Ryan's wrist, trying to feel his pulse, he frowned "his pulse is too slow"

"But why?!" Lydia asked with urgency, hoping Luis would know.

"I don't know Lydia, we need to take him to the Grand now"

"His body is probably reacting to the stone... we can't take the humans, Grand won't let us in" Bella said then turned to the rest "you guys need to stay here, do not...I repeat do not leave this mansion, we'll bring dinner" Bella spoke volubly as the blinding light portal appeared as they evanesce before anyone could protest.

"I knew you would come, you only visit when you want something Imara" a raspy voice said

Then appeared an old man in white T-shirt and black jeans, he looked really dirty, it looked like he was out farming as he placed his tools down. He looked up and his eyes widened with delight.

"Oh my God it's you guys, I have missed you so much... Luis! Came back for the wine?..." Then grand stopped when he realized the looks on their faces wasn't welcoming.

He looked at his sofa and saw Ryan on the coach he frowned as he walked closer to him. "What do we have here?" He said then Lydia came forward and explained.

Well the Grand lives in a old house at a country side, he left their world a long time when he begged God to relieve him of his superior powers after all three of his wife died, he was relieved and became a healer without power and this means he would age, when he started ageing the healers nicknamed him the Grand, his real name is Miguel, he has very wide knowledge that many of the healers would go to him whenever they needed help.

Legend has it that Imara and Miguel were competitive in their time even before Imara became the healers leader, God always grants Miguel wishes and he could also speak to God at anytime he wanted aside from praying. This was why Imara took it as a mission to gain the other healers trust to vote her as their leader instead of Miguel.

"If he saw your eyes glimmer dear, you have every right to mate him, you are doing nothing wrong" Miguel said after hearing Lydia's story.

"But what's going on with him Grand?, he just suddenly became unconscious"

"And cold..." Luis and Bella said in unison while Bella rolled her eyes, Luis smirked crossing his hands on his chest.

"Ya... Ok he's probably just reacting to the stone, he looks fine to me"  Miguel said and sat on another sofa.

"That's exactly what I said" Luis said

"I said that... not you" Bella retorted walking over to Miguel glass window.

"Really when?" Luis asked turning to her still smirking. He didn't want to pester her but it seems that's the only way she would talk to him. Back at Ryan's secret mansion, he had tried talking to her but she wasn't listening he kissed her forcefully and only then did she calm down and listened to him but Bella is still to stubborn to let him in her life.

"Okay I hate to hear couples argue so please don't start that in my house" Miguel said frowning as he took out his phone. Lydia raised Ryan's head and sat down, resting his head on her lap. She still had a worried look on her face.

"We are not a couple" Bella retorted while Miguel raise his eyebrow.

"Yeah, you're only saying that so you can believe it kiddo" Miguel said as he shook his head and went back to tapping on his phone, everyone knew Bella and Luis story, although Grand thinks Luis was being stupid before but now that he's trying to make things right, it seems like Bella was the one who is being stupid. 

"Agh" Bella groaned and looked back out of the window while Luis gaze never left her, he sighed as his facial expression change.

"You've got a lot of work to do son" Miguel said seeing how Luis reacted, and gave him a little smile as he shook his head again.

"We need your help Grand... A lot of shit is going on and we don't know what to do about it" Lydia said sounding desperate

"I don't know how to help you here Lydia, all I can do is pray for you, you know I don't have the ability to speak to God again, I only speak to him through prayers now"

"But you must know something that can help me please"

"Lydia God gave you a mate, you've always wanted that and he gave you what you asked for but then there are challenges, all you've got to do is ask God to help you overcome them, he would never leave at the time you really need him, you know this right?"


"You'll figure this out sweetheart" Miguel said smiling confidently.

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