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Ryan opened his eyes to see that Lydia was not beside him, he got out of  the bed and wore his trouser, he went ahead to knock on the bathroom thinking she was there but there was no response, he opened the door to be sure and Lydia wasn't there.

He picked up his shirt and wore it but didn't button up, he grabbed his phone and checked the time it was eleven in the morning, Ryan frowned as he saw several missed calls from his assistant, his phone was on guided access. How could he have slept so deep?, Ryan thought but then again it had been a while since he slept without worrying about waking up early the next day and since he had a peaceful sleep, he choose to stay in a good mood.

Ryan went down to check if Lydia was in the kitchen but she wasn't, he frowned, he had no idea why he was pissed but he was. There goes the mood swing again.

Mrs Boston approached him and said "Good morning Mr Lucas, Miss Lydia told me to tell you she went to an orphanage home to..."

"What orphanage home?" Ryan asked in a cold tone cutting her off.

"She didn't tell sir"

Ryan annoyed, went up to his room took his bath and called Miss brooks after that he called Lydia and he was glad she picked up.

As soon as she picked up there's was a loud noise at the back ground, he jerked the phone away from his ear and said "could you move away from the noise?"

Lydia seem to do as she was told and said "Good morning Ryan Lucas, did you miss me?"

"Where the fuck are you?"

"Oh... ah that was rude... didn't Mrs Boston tell you, I'm at an orphanage home"

"Lydia! Lydia! Come play with us" a little girl said to Lydia and Ryan could hear her.

"I will be right there, go on sweetie" Lydia said

"Where are you Lydia?, I'm gonna come pick you up" Lydia sighed and told him, he didn't understand why she would go to an orphanage home, he found it very weird, he knows she doesn't go out of her house and now she's at an orphanage home. Everything thing about Lydia confuses him. 

Ryan drove to the orphanage home and called Lydia telling her he was there but Lydia made him go in and as soon as he entered he saw kids around Lydia as she was reading to them.

Ryan loved the view, he smiled, he doesn't get why he loved kids but they all just seem precious and innocent. A woman approached him and said  "good morning Mr Lucas, we are very happy to have you here" Ryan wasn't surprised the woman knew him. He was the billionaire they would never expect he would turn up in their home.

"Good morning" Ryan replied as his eyes was still fixed on Lydia.

"Would you like to make some donations?" The woman asked and Ryan smiled, he thought that would help him feel better. He went with the woman to her office and made a huge donation to the orphanage then he came back out to see how the kids were circling around Lydia singing as Lydia sang along with them.

A little girl reached for Ryan's hand and pulled him in the circle he found it really cute and let out a chuckle, Ryan only walked as the girl held his hand and kept jumping in the circle, Ryan looked  at Lydia as she smiled at him.  Ryan was happy for the first time he forgot about his problems.

"Are you her husband mister?" A boy that looked like he was around the age of five asked when they were about to leave.

"No I'm not" Ryan answered and Lydia smiled.

"You should marry her before I do" he said and Ryan laughed and the other kids did too.

As they drove back, Ryan could not erase his smile and Lydia was glad she could keep a smile on his face.

"I didn't know you visit that place" he said.

"Well spying on someone for a month doesn't make you know that person"

"Why didn't you wake me?"

"You were sleeping peacefully, I didn't want to disturb you" Lydia answered cutely.

"I still don't know who you are Lydia Williams" Ryan said after a long pause and Lydia smiled.

"Why don't we go somewhere else?"

"Really where?" Ryan asked suddenly exicted.

"Take a turn" Lydia said. They had a long drive and Lydia kept directing Ryan, Lydia told him about her experience with the kids and some stories would make him laugh.

She told him to halt in front of a huge church, they went in and Lydia led Ryan to the back. A priest walked towards them smiling brightly, he wasn't really old but he was short and looked really neat.

"Hello Lydia, it's been a while" the priest said, reaching for her hand and Lydia shook his hand smiling back at him.

"Yes it has, how have you been father?" Lydia asked

"Oh I've been good, thank you dear" he said to her before turning to Ryan as he reached for his hand too.

"And who is this gentleman?" He asked while Ryan shook the father hand.

"This is Ryan Lucas father, he would like to make a donation to the homeless here" Lydia said and Ryan head jerk towards her, he didn't know that was what they came to do but then shook his head to the priest smiling back at the man.

"Oh thank you so much son, we don't get that often, come with me please" the priest said.

They walked through the hallway and came  across a large cafeteria, they saw how many of the homeless people ate with gusto, some chatting away as they laughed, Ryan saw some of the crippled at another corner laughing among themselves. He tried to control his emotions but his eyes were still teary, he also noticed how dirty their clothes were and turned away as they walked into the priest office.

Ryan made a two billion dollars donation to the church and couldn't tell how pleased and relieved he felt after that. When they left and got into the car, he sighed as Lydia placed her hand on his shoulder caressing it while she smiled at him. Ryan smiled back trying to hold back his tears.

"Thank you" he whispered and Lydia nodded. 

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