The End

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Ryan stood in front of his mirror, he looked down, smiling at his five year old son who was mimicking him. He smoothed his suit and adjusted his tie and Drayne did the same too. Ryan hair was finely combed and his face kept glowing as always, Drayne took his mother's sparkling brown eyes but his father's hairs, one could say he looked both like his dad and mom. Ryan bent over to reached for a comb to smoothen Drayne's hair and he did smiling again seeing how cute he looked in his suit.

"Drayne?" Luis said after walking into the room.

"Yes uncle Luis" Drayne answered.

"Why don't you go play with Diana hmm?" He asked, referring to his three years old daughter as he bent over to ruffle Drayne's hair. Ryan frowned as he said to Luis "I just combed that"

"Okay... Bye daddy" Drayne said waving at his dad before scurrying away.

"Bye Drayne and don't run on the stairs!" Ryan yelled so he would hear, he knew he would anyway, the boy only listens to his mom.

Ryan turned back to the mirror to see Luis smirking at him.

"What?" He asked knowing Luis wanted to say something to him since there was no reason to make Drayne go away.

"You're nervous"

"Yeah damn right I am"

"To come to think of it you never told me why you didn't show up early to the battle ground in Kogaris, I mean even before the battle started you just vanished"

"Luis really?... you're bringing that up now?"

"Well I never get a chance to speak to you Mr billionaire... Now that I have I'm not just gonna let it slide"

"I told Lydia, Lora and... Wait I did tell Bella didn't she tell you?" Ryan said turning to Luis after grabbing his watch. Luis was also in a fine suit, he stood with his legs apart and his hand in his pocket looking as handsome as always.

"Wait what?... She didn't tell me... Ugh I'm always the last person to get any juicy gist"

Ryan chuckled and said "well technically you're not... I didn't tell the whole of Kogaris... It would only get them more terrified"

"Yeah... Okay so go on... Tell me what happened"

"Well when Imara walked closer to me... I mean when she just show up out of no where in Ganzalo's house" Ryan was saying when he turned back to the mirror again making Luis rolled his eyes and say

"Ryan you are fine... Just tell me what happened"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah bro I am... Now go on" Luis said impatiently.

"When she came closer, she blew a poison and it floated into my nostrils, I didn't know it was a poison at first, I thought it was just her bad breath but no Luis... I started feeling it when we were going to Powler, I had to leave you guys so you wouldn't be worried about me, getting rid of the poison wasn't easy Luis, I struggled for hours".

"Damn I didn't expect that... But then how did you do it?"

"Man it's so disgusting to say... You don't wanna hear it"

"Oh no no I wanna hear..." Luis said as he shook his head.

Luis was caught off by Lydia who walked in and said "hey babe... She's ready"

"Oh right..." Lydia wanted to turn around but Ryan stopped her "hey wait hold on... I'm really nervous I could use a kiss"

"Really bro?" Luis said raising his brows. Lydia only chuckled as she walked closer to Ryan and claimed his lips with Luis not looking away, Ryan suddenly felt calm and relieved as he deepened the kiss.

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