Coachella (April 22 2022)

Start from the beginning

"It wouldn't be that bad,"Harry tries to fight, glancing over at Camryn and raising an eyebrow at Camryn who's grinning at him.

"I always told you I wanted the kids super close together,"Camryn shakes her head, squeezing Harry's thigh, "and I don't think this stomach could handle another pregnancy. And my milk's all dry."

"You would start producing again if you got pregnant,"Harry points out, trying every avenue he can to try and get Camryn to agree.

"Don't try and tempt me with breastfeeding you douche,"Camryn chuckles, shaking her head as she lowers her voice for the bad word so the kids won't pick up a new word even though none of them are paying any attention since they're all preoccupied with their own little activities to get the drive to seem shorter, "you know that's the way to my heart."

"Mhmm I do,"Harry smirks devilishly, glancing over at Camryn and wiggling his eyebrows at her before looking back at the road.

"I love having babies and everything that happens after pregnancy, but pregnancy sucks,"Camryn explains, rubbing her thumb against Harry's thigh, "you wanna have to help me through pregnancy again? I don't think you do."

"I wouldn't mind,"Harry smiles, switching hands on the steering wheel so he can bring his hand down to rest on top of Camryn's that's on his thigh.

"You wanna get puked on again?"Camryn snickers with a hint of disbelief in her voice.

"You've puked on me so many times I've lost count,"Harry laughs, resting his head back against the headrest of the car seat, "it doesn't even phase me anymore."

"I haven't puked on you a lot,"Camryn fights back with a little smirk, knowing that she definitely has, but she doesn't want to admit to that.

"Oh yes you have,"Harry laughs, nodding his head as he looks over at Camryn with wide green eyes, "you puked on me during all of the kids' pregnancies at least twice. You puked on me during Lennon, Bowie, Calum, and Bindi's labors."

"Oh don't use the labor puke card against me,"Camryn gasps in fake offense, slapping Harry's thigh. "Don't you dare, those were all of my hardest labors and the only reason I puked all over you was because I physically could not let go of you because of the pain you douche."

"I didn't mind,"Harry promises sweetly with the cutest grin as he grips onto Camryn's hand that's on his thigh, raising it to his lips to press a kiss to the back of her hand.

"How long now, daddy?"Bowie whines, resting his head back against the carseat, his eyes venturing away from the hanging miniature television that's playing a movie for the kids.

"One hour and fifty-seven minutes,"Harry responds with a hint of joking in his voice that only Camryn can pick up on as the corner of his lip twitches upwards in a little smirk.

"UGHHHH!"Bowie dramatically huffs, banging the back of his head repeatedly against his carseat.


"Oh my goodness, are you such a sleepy bubba?"Camryn coos softly as she reaches to undo the buckles of Calum's carseat, his head tilted to the side, his squishy cheek smushed against his shoulder as he sleepily blinks his eyes open at Camryn. "We're getting some ice cream, do you want some? You love ice cream."

Calum whimpers and closes his eyes, snuggling his cheek in deeper against his shoulder.

"No? That's okay, you can just have snuggles with me. You can keep napping if you want,"Camryn allows with a little grin as she helps Calum's tiny arms slide out of the carseat buckles, reaching in to pick him up and hug her tightly to his chest.

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