A Whole New World (3)

Start from the beginning


Bringing the cold beer to her lips, Buffy exhales in exhaustion leaning her elbows against the small table just outside of Granny's.
After what very much felt like an interrogation with an 11-year-old kid who really milked those three questions she had given him, she needed some air.
Hence why the second the conversation was done, she had stolen some beer and stumbled out to the front, needing a bit of time and peace.

Buffy brings the beer to her lips again, before allowing her eyes to scan the surrounding town, surprisingly it wasn't too bad but then again it helped that everyone was still inside partying away, giving her a chance to look around without the constant eagle eyes from everyone in town staring at her.

'The line...go to the town line...'

At the strange voice, filling her thoughts again, Buffy couldn't help but frown in confusion, she didn't know why she kept hearing this voice in her head, it had been happening all day but to be honest, while annoying the longer she was here the more tempted she was to listen to the little voice in the back of her head.
She was tempted to take off and leave this town, crossing the line so she could try and figure out how to get home.
To be honest, if Emma and Mary Margaret didn't hold up their end of the bargain, then soon enough Buffy knew she would be on the first bus out of town. If no one here could help her then she would have to try elsewhere, there had to be somewhere on this damn planet where she could find a door back to her world.


Hearing her name leave David's voice, Buffy glances up just as her father moves to sit across from her with two beers in his hands. As he slides one over to her, he couldn't help but frown in concern.
He had spotted her sitting outside alone and it had worried him "Are you okay?"

 Buffy quickly forces a smile on her face as she raises her new beer in silent thanks before running a shaky hand through her hair, realizing just how depressing she probably looked sitting outside all on her lonesome "Yeah, sorry. Henry really used those three questions I gave him to the brim, it feels like he scooped out my brain with a damn spoon."
David chuckles softly at her words, Buffy definitely got the humor in the family, that was for certain, she was a lot like his grandmother in that way.

However, not even a second later, Buffy cracks his smile before frowning at him, trying to search her brain for his name but she couldn't remember it for the life of her "Sorry, what's your name again?"

David had to admit, that hurt.

His own daughter couldn't remember his name and it broke his heart but he knew it wasn't her fault she didn't know yet. But tomorrow was the day, they would tell her everything and their family would finally be whole again.

"David." He tells her flinching slightly but he hid the hurt behind a small smile "Look, Buffy...Mary Margaret and I would like you to come over to our apartment tomorrow there's something important we need to talk about with you. Could you come by for lunch maybe?"
Buffy eyes him skeptically before sighing as she spots a few members of town inside of the diner spying on them through the window, effectively cutting through the peacefulness Buffy had momentarily been enjoying.
The people in this town ready had no chill.
Downing the last of her beer, Buffy groans as she spots David still waiting for an answer patiently, he was a nice guy and she didn't want to come off as rude, but between the voices in her head, having to talk about her past with Henry and now the peeping Toms she needed a beat "Ugh yeah sure. Yeah, I'll pop by...I got to go, um, enjoy your party, David."

Without letting him get out another word, Buffy stood up and began walking away from the diner, intent on taking the long way back to the Inn so she didn't have to work through the crowd currently still partying up.

However, as she turns the corner the blonde collides with her elder sister who was shaken up after an argument with Regina regarding Henry and their different opinions on what was best for him.

Letting out a small gasp, Emma sighs in relief as she realizes who she had crashed into, however, Buffy's reaction was very different.

"Geez." The younger blonde moans, her playing nice façade had reached the peak for the evening, she was too tired for this "Your brake lights are out Em."
Trying not to grin at the new nickname her sister had given her Emma frowns as she spots the almost fed up look on Buffy's face "Look, Buffy, I'm sorry if Henry brought up anything from your past...he was just really excited to meet you..."
"Everyone wants to know about me in this town...how keen." Buffy mumbles before sighing, this whole evening had just exhausted her "Look enjoy the rest of your party, but tomorrow you and your mom are paying up your debt. I helped you get home and now I need to get home." She warns Emma before pushing past her and heading straight for the Inn.

"This town is driving me Drusilla level crazy."

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