Chapter 32 : Torture

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Warning : this chapter includes violence/ blood but I can tell you that it's just the same as the anime. Like I did not exceed that level of violence displayed in the episodes.

A bit shorter than the last two chapters that had above 3,400 words but I hope you'll enjoy it !

The young sun summoner stirred awake, the drug's aftereffects left her groggy. She attempted to rub her eyes as she could feel how heavy her eyelids were, but she couldn't move her arms. She noticed that something was tying them up together behind her back and she tried pulling her arms closer to her body, to break her arms free but it was useless.

At this feeling, y/n finally opened her eyes only to see herself in an unfamiliar room. She kept turning her head back and forth while squinting her eyes to adjust to the darkness around and quickly scan her surroundings. She didn't recognize the place, yet she did realize that she was in a small room as big as one a one-person bed. With the few torn up blankets and dead tree leaves that were scattered on the dusty ground, y/n figured she was imprisoned in a cell.

The cold wind that was blowing through the cracks of the wooden walls made her shiver. Her eyes trailed down to examine her body and she noticed that she had been stripped away of her demon slayer uniform, that she only had a thin, cheap piece of cloth on instead, explaining the extreme cold she was feeling.

Her gaze traveled to the edge of the room only to see a familiar sword. Her eyes widened in disbelief when she saw that it was her own sword, broken in half and in that moment, she remembered the events that happened to her.

" Now, into more important matters. I sincerely apologize for this, in advance" he mockingly said before tricking her and catching her weak body that was still affected by everything that happened. His gesture caught y/n by surprise and she started thrashing around, trying to break free.

" I told you I apologize. My order was to bring you to him alive, unharmed but I also need to do this" he forcefully covered her mouth and her nose with a piece of cloth and she panicked, attempting to reach her sword to free herself and trying to not inhale the intoxicating smell from the cloth at the same time.

" Hashira or not, sun summoner or not. You cannot resist, my dear, just give in." he blankly added as he internally cheered in victory, absolutely loving the sight of her struggling between his arms.

In addition to the shock she felt from remembering how the upper demon tricked her, y/n further panicked as she had no way of telling how much time had passed. She instantly looked at her hands then tapped her teeth on the back of her palm to check whether she had transformed into a demon. Realizing that she did not have razor-sharp fingernails or teeth, y/n let out a small sigh in relief. It was the only positive thing that had occured, or at least until now.

Y/n scanned her surroundings again until she spotted a small window. The young sun summoner stood up and dashed towards the window, only to fall on her face to the ground, feeling something cold and solid tying her ankles. She looked back and saw the metal chains that were restraining both her arms and her legs, preventing her from moving further than a meter away.

Suddenly, the poorly built wooden door creaked open with a high pitched creak, making y/n swiftly lift herself up into a seating position and snapping her head towards the direction of the door only to see the face of the one behind all what has been happening to her.

She backed away in horror, dread filling her body while he approached her with his usual smirk plastered on his face.She watched as he placed the oil lamp that he was carrying on top of a tiny table that was right next to her.

Heart filled with kindness ( Tomioka Giyu x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now