Chapter 28 : Fireworks

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" I just hope we all live through this, free humanity from the terror of the demons and grow old..." she halted for a second, recollecting her breath and looked at me with a hopeful smile "I can't imagine losing any of you...we deserve to live, Giyu. Don't we?"

" Yes, we do," I responded as I looked up at the sky.

Do you think I do, Sabito?...I wonder how it would be if you were still here with me, I wonder what you would think of y/n, of everything happening to me.. I still feel like I don't deserve any of it because if it weren't for you, I would have been dead since that day..

" Are you thinking about him?" y/n snapped me out of my thoughts by giving my hand a small squeeze.

" How can you read me that easily?" I asked out of curiosity since all I did was look up at the sky.

" Seriously, Giyu? We've been best friends for over a year. I know that you're lost in your thoughts with that look." she stopped walking and faced me, reaching her other hand and placing it on my cheek " Giyu, yes, you deserve to live to as well and that's what Sabito thinks, that's why he saved you in the first place, your life is worth it" she added, giving me a warm smile and I grabbed her hand, rubbing my thumb on the back of her palm.


As we passed countless trees in the forest, the wind rustling through the ranches making the leaves howl in symphony, the sunrays filtering the diverse vegetation, surrounding us with warmth and comfort, the maple seeds twirling down on our path, the birds waking and chirping in an uncoordinated yet calming melody, me and y/n were having random conversations while being guided by our crows.The deeper we went into the forest, the more mystical and spellbinding it became, forming an arch of fairytale-green above our heads.

I watched as y/n darted between shafts of lustrous-gold, admiring the many butterflies that emerged from behind the tree.I realized how, in contrast to y/n, I never focused on my surroundings and she made me realize the beauty of nature, of life.

" How about this?" her voice rang out from the side of the trail and she started to lightly sing " Passed the first day of spring, It's only nine days, on the hills and fields. A cloudy day during the cherry blossom season. Whether the sound of a bell at Ueno,or Asakusa.The spring haze,the scent already in the air, the moon and ume." she giggled and placed a flower she picked up earlier behind my ear, then she tucked a similar one behind her ear as well.

" I didn't know you could sing?" I asked her out of curiosity

" Oh, trust me. I didn't know as well, it just came out as an instinct. I don't even know where I've heard these words from before" my smile soon faded at her words as I realized that it's most likely, one of her family members that used to sing this song for her. I clenched my fists as I could do nothing about it since he ordered us not to mention anything regarding her family.

Why are we still hiding it from her Oyakata-sama? Why do you want us to wait until we defeat Kibustuji? What if she finds out before that happens?

I was convinced at first that it would be the right time to let her know so that she would have less things to worry about but after thinking about it, I realized that not telling her truth now would actually hurt her more, she will feel betrayed, she will feel used.

" Nē Giyu? what's wrong? you're snapping out of reality everytime? Do you wanna go back home and rest?" y/n frowned, her tone indicating she was worried.

" No, no. Let's continue, we're almost there. Don't worry about me, I am fine." I took a hold of her hand again and looked forward so that she wouldn't notice that I was partially lying.

Heart filled with kindness ( Tomioka Giyu x female reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ