Chapter 3 : What Am I?

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I was trying so hard to just ignore these voices as I kept on walking besides Giyu without making any reaction, even if I was internally conflicted about whether I should trust the voice or not. I thought I was going to feel some sort of calmness after leaving that overcrowded village but hearing this voice out of nowhere in the middle of a forest brought me back to that day....that day when I woke up in the middle of nowhere and encountered a demon....

What if the voice in my head is trying to warn me from falling into the same situation as before? What if it's referring to a demon, if that's what's coming?

But I still don't have the foggiest idea where it comes from? Even Giyu is an advanced demon slayer as he mentioned to me something about being the water pillar and has no clue about what its origins could be ?

" I think we should stay here for the night. There's a camping area down there where we'll be able to sleep and afterward we will proceed with our excursion tomorrow. I suppose we will make it in the afternoon."Giyu snapped me out of my overwhelming thoughts and I simply nodded, following him as I was able to see the smoke drawing from the campfires.

I was so worn out and ready to sleep, unlike Giyu. I somehow consistently noticed these past few days how he stays awake most of the time at night. I just don't understand how he barely sleeps but does not run out of stamina.

A sound of a branch breaking has abruptly caused me to draw my attention to Giyu, yet I couldn't distinguish where it might've come from " I believe there's somebody following us. I can't say whether I am fantasizing or not but I think I heard a clamor some place around here, Giyu" As I was talking, I noticed how he placed his hand on his sword and hunched down, checking out our surroundings after putting his other arm before me to keep me behind him.

We were both moving around and around, unobtrusively attempting to ensure that no mischief was moving toward us. Giyu reverted back to his ordinary position and flagged me to keep strolling close to him as nothing happened for a minute or so.

As soon as I looked forward, I was pulled up on a tree and was blindfolded, my arms and legs were attached with a rope surprisingly fast. I was unable to try and respond.

" Let her go. If you want her then you have to go through me first" I heard Giyu say in a serious tone.

" What if I don't ? This girl has a unique smell that I've never delt with before. I can't just abandon the tastiest meal of my life." the beast behind me bellowed with rage,his sinister voice sent shivers down my spine.

3 rd person pov

As y/n was attempting to free her hands she felt a push tossing her from the highest point of the tree. Giyu was moving swiftly and proceeded to cut the demon's neck but didn't notice how the demon pushed y/n right before it turned into ash.

The water pilar's eyes enlarged in shock and with no delay, he bounced endeavoring to take a hold of y/n. He managed to catch her and held her close to his body.

He was feeling guilty this whole time for not arriving earlier that day and saving her family from the demon. Especially because it seemed like she lost her memory as she did not mention anything about the incident back at her house.

He didn't want to ask her about it. He was unable to envision seeing her in torment, a girl with a smile that has been lighting up his days for the first time in years.

Even though they only spent four days together, he noticed how she treats animals they encounter on their way, how she waves at children passing by, how she hums and sings from time to time, how she grins whenever it's sunny and how she tries to help him every time, trying to convince him to sleep.

However, he knew that she had the right to know the truth, to know what happened to her family because maybe that might be related to the voices she's been hearing in her head or it could explain the constant headaches she gets in the morning.

I will tell her, just not now, he thought.

At the moment, she is his responsibility, he must protect her at all costs hoping that she would get the help she needs at the demon slayers headquarters.

Since he was too worried and distracted he hit himself on the ground as he fell on his back.
y/n was on top of him still blindfolded, arms and legs tied together.

"Giyu, I'm so sorry please tell me you're not hurt. Giyu ! Giyu! " y/n shouted, worriedly.

"I'm fine, I'm fine y/n don't worry. I just hit my head, it's nothing " he responded, faintly.

Y/n realized he was lying a result of his manner of speaking and his tone. Using one of his hands, Giyu removed her blindfold and helped her untie the ropes that were holding her back from moving freely while he was still laying on the ground and y/n was sitting close to him.

She was now able to see his state and she confirmed her suspicions when she noticed blood emerging from his head. She moved her hands to the harmed spot and Giyu winced accordingly.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you but you lied to me , you're clearly not fine. You injured yourself because you saved me. You -" y/n hushed up and looked at her hands in awe.

"What's wrong? "

"Your wound, Giyu. It-it healed"

"It what?" Giyu lifted himself up with the help of y/n, panicking

" I don't know what happened. I was only trying to see how profound the injury was and it just vanished out of the blue "

"That's not possible, only demons have that ability " Giyu added, both confounded and frightened simultaneously.

They were silent for a moment until y/n felt a consuming sensation in her hands as though they were warming up.

"Giyu, my hands " The water pillar was about look at what was off-base with them however he immediately pulled away "I can't touch them, they're burning hot ?!"

"I know.. I can feel it.It never happened to me before. I- Ahhh!" y/n freaked out as her fingers were turning black.

Fortunately it halted at the level of her fingers and didn't reach the rest of her hands but it was still something she had never seen or dealt with before.

"Losing my memory, hearing a random voice in my mind and now my fingers turning dark? What- what am I?"

Guess who updated this chapter the same day as the previous one even with 15 views only?

Yeah, exactly me who's ignoring all school work and just keeps on writing this story😌

I know y/n' s situation is getting more complex/weird but it will be worth it and also I know that the OC seems naive and all but I promise the character development will be there, like I made her this way on purpose.
And also after going through all of that, I guess she's excused, right?

Word count : 1263 (yeah sorry I'm so lazy)

Heart filled with kindness ( Tomioka Giyu x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now