But it's a pity shi nuh know say mi deh one step ahead.

When D'vante had ran the name of his client, with whom he had scheduled a viewing with for this morning, by me, I almost pissed myself. It's a good thing I knew how to keep my cool, so I played my part well, without raising an alarm.

He didn't know who she was, and he didn't have to know.

I'd simply asked him to list one of my apartments as well, and what a coincidence it is that she chose to settle on mine.

I'd told him to show her the ones that were out of budget first. Wear her out physically and financially then settle on the Norbrook site as I needed to get it off my hands.

I'm glad when he didn't ask any questions.

If only he knew why.

Some time during the day, he called to run the asking price by me.

I told him to drop it to 135 if she bawls the price down; nothing less. To think she could've snagged an even better deal if she'd just accepted my offer.

When woman determined, dem determined eno.

Since she wants to be independent though, I'll leave it alone. After all, I love a woman who can hold her own. Not gonna front.

What I don't like though is that she's keeping secrets from me.

Too many secrets.

First the pregnancy, now this.

It makes me wonder what else is there.

Do I really even want to know?

I'm not so confident about that, after today.

I tsk.

Amanda. Amanda. Amanda.

You're playing a dangerous game.

A game you cannot win.

It doesn't even make sense.

Just be real with me. That's all I ask.

Don't be like the others.

It never ends well.

It certainly didn't end well for Jessica...and it won't end well for anyone else either.


Feeling frustrated already, I run a hand down my face and sigh again.

Thinking about Jessica and the possibility of Amanda being like her makes me agitated.

I keep telling myself that she's nothing like Jessica. But every time I feel content with that thought, she does something to fuck it up.

ME: When's the ready date?

Bro Bro: In 2 weeks as instructed. She agreed.

I see...

ME: Ah, chop-chop, nuh say a word.

Bro Bro: Nawmal

Let's see how long she'll take to tell me about this one.

My eyes drift to the TV, and I stare at it, not really caring for what is playing on the screen.

My mind can't seem to focus on anything other than Amanda.

I don't know why the fact that she's the way she is bothers me so much.

I really need to get a grip.

This nuh look good, yute.

Another message comes in, its tone chiming loudly, and I turn over the phone and look at it. I immediately regret it, as I study the number which sits at the top of my chats.

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