Scene 19 - Man Vs Metal

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With the machine burst into the office, Grody's mouth drops open. The robot targets him! He makes for the escape hatch, but machine canon shoots in his direction, forcing him against the wall. Grody then suddenly pulls out a pistol at the robot, but its laser fires at his wrist and blows his hand off. He yells in agony as the robot's blenders in its torso spin hungrily for nourishment. Vanessa sneaks behind the robot as its arms reach for Grody and pull him towards its blenders.



Grody is then sucked into its blenders. After it consumes Grody, its head turns towards Vanessa. She quickly closes the hatch into the escape pod. The dark room features a control panel with a camera. This is the room that we see in Vanessa's video call. A life support system allowing suspended animation means Vanessa can place herself in safe captivity. She quickly makes herself familiar with the controls and tries to blast off. Vanessa has a vague understanding of how to fly the craft. Assuming how to launch the craft, she blasts off, but the craft stalls. Finding the problem, she tries again. We hear the craft blasting off, but the craft can't take off. The Droton machine magnetises the ship from stopping blasting away. Vanessa increases the ship's power, but the robot was too strong! It uses laser cutters and the laser ray to begin burning through the door. Vanessa activates full power, and the robot's arms begin to break off! KABOOM! The motors power even faster, emitting more smoke and flames, which doesn't even scratch the robot's surface.

BAM! BAM! The arms of the robot break off, and the quadrilateral escape pod blasts away. Vanessa tries to control the craft best she can. We then see from the robot's perspective the ship fleeing Blea Carrock 5. Its eyes almost squint as Vanessa, the only survivor, made her escape, filling the robot with anger in escaping its jaws. This then cuts to seeing the ship flying away into space. Vanessa sighs a huge relief and slumps herself into the seat, breathing and relaxing, glad to be alive and intact. We see Vanessa placing herself into the life support system so she can remain in suspended animation. With a ship she can't control to guide her to safety, her best option was to let the ship fly on automatic and wait for someone to find her and help her. Vanessa sets the programming for her suspended animation. Once prepared, she makes herself comfortable and sets herself in. The hatch closes, and shortly afterwards, she falls asleep. We are left to the cold, emptiness of the escape unit, hearing nothing and feeling only the darkness. Without warning, a sinister black figure looms over her unit – a Xenomorph!

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