Scene 15 - Black figures

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Grody slams his desk in his office angrily and then growls.


Grrrr! Stupid imbeciles! Letting the experiment go into turmoil. Why do I have to do everything myself?

This then cuts to seeing Indigo having her spacesuit taken off her by the airlock. A guard helps her out of it.

Guard 2:

Mr. Grody will be delighted with you.

They notice some individuals outside. There were people dressed in black approaching towards the airlock from outside.


There are other people out there.

A Xenomorph suddenly jumps at the front of the camera! Indigo and the guard are shocked.

Guard 2:

The Xenomorphs! They're here! We gotta get out of here! We gotta get out!

The Xenomorph punches at the window, trying to get in. Indigo and the guard quickly rush out of the room. A siren is sounded across the entire base. It is heard by the workers in the mines underground, and by Vanessa's party. Grody, sitting in his office, is interrupted by another guard.

Guard 3:



Don't you know before entering a room?

Guard 3:

But sir, do you know what's happening?


I do indeed, solider. We are under attack. The butcher from hell has been unleashed in the base, and Xenomorphs are attacking the base from the outside.

Guard 3:

Then what are we gonna do?


What you are gonna do is this. You are gonna go out and fight it. That is what I pay you for, isn't it?

The Droton robot smashes its way through the deadlocks powerfully. Armed guards rush through the passages to attend to the crisis. The prisoners who are working get unsettled by the noise.


What's happening?

Guard 4:

Nothing you need to worry about. Get on with the job!

The diggers break through some rocks. A Xenomorph is revealed by Brogan. He shrieks as the monster attacks him and kills him. The other prisoners scurry away as more Xenomorphs break through! The guards shoot, but a rockfall kills many guards, a few prisoners, and several Xenomorphs. The invasion of the Xenomorphs began!

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