Scene 14 - Activated machine

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We cut to the footage that we had begun with, a poor quality camera showing a future version of Vanessa urging and warning us, the viewer, of foreboding disaster.


Please stay to watch he said to me. I should never have opened that looked out of that window back at the Lunar base. What was I thinking? I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Then I was caught up in the experiment. I had to watch the brain be fitted inside the cyborg.

The cave-like labour camps show Vanessa's block of prisoners now digging with pickaxes in hopes of finding more minerals the planet possesses. We see the faces of disgruntled workers in the gloomy, echoey atmosphere. The armed guards keep marching their rounds, shouting at the prisoners.

Guard 2:

Come on you worthless scum! Hurry up! Put your backs into it! Look like mean it!

Josh growls to himself.

The more you dig out, the more pleased Mr. Grody is gonna be.

Back in the lab, Az and Droyzeck excite themselves. The brain is about to be transferred into the machine!

Dr. Az:

Commence the final phase! Transfer the brain of the Xenomorph into the Droton Exterminator!

Droyzeck operates an active panel so mechanical arms lower the brain into the head of the cyborg. Once inside, and the nerves connected in, the Doctors cheer and madly cackle to each other. Vanessa looks concerned.

Dr. Droyzeck:

The brain has been slotted into its head as easily as slipping a dislocated bone back into a person.

Dr. Az:

Now the Droton Exterminator is complete! It possesses a mind and will all of its own to control!

The eyes of the robot light up. Its hands move.

Now. To test its capabilities my friend, I see that you have wisely chosen to begin testing the radio-controlled movements of its nervous system. Very wise.

Dr. Droyzeck:

That wasn't me.

Dr. Az:


Dr. Droyzeck:

I did not touch a thing.

They turn to the cyborg. It then slowly turns its head towards them and raises its top arms. The other arms stretch slowly outwards. The blenders then suddenly activate, and the sharp cutters snap sharply. The controls are totally unresponsive to Droyzeck's commands.

Dr. Az:

Oh, crumbs! Shut it down! Shut it down!

Dr. Droyzeck:

I can't! Something's wrong. It's not working.

The cyborg stomps angrily towards them – seeing them as victims to destroy!

Guard 1:

Let us handle this!

The guards then begin shooting through the glass. The bullets ricochet off the metal, hardly scratching the surface of the robot. It extends out from its back in the direction of the guards' two guns aimed at them. The robot's left is a firearms device, capable of annihilating most objects. The other on the right is a laser beam that can disintegrate its victims. Vanessa urges them all to escape.

Dr. Az:

Bullets are impenetrable to it!


We need to get the hell out of here!

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