Scene 9 - Food

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A centre where food is being served lies in another entrance where prisoners run in to eat. A cold, grimly painted wall for food collection. Once the food is collected, the prisoners sit at sets of wooden benches to gobble up their slop. Armed guards stand with loaded machine guns in their hands, scattered across the hall of food. We see Brogan slurping up his food with Etienne and Alastair. The substance is sloppy, lumpy, thick and green substance. Brogan, as the food touches his taste buds chokes and spits out his food.


PLAH! Ah! What is this gunk!?


It's all the energy we're gonna get. Don't you ever listen to instructions?


This stuff is mank. I'm not eating this.


They probably only bothered to give us something that will keep us alive.


So it's either this slop or nothing!

Vanessa and Indigo have their food in grey trades and sit alone with each other and use the dirty grey spoons to play with their unappetising food.


This all we gonna get?


Looks like it.


Well, buon appetite.

They start to eat their food, disgusted at it. There is a small window outside the hall, where Grody looks in at. He stares and smiles looking at Vanessa and Indigo, forming a cunning plan in his mind. James and Josh sit down with Alastair and the others with their food.


They actually think we're supposed to enjoy this?


Better than not eating anything.

Elliot sits with Josh and the other behind him. He takes some of the slop and eats it, and instantly spits it out. Josh laughs at him. Elliot then turns around stares angrily at Josh and gets up with his food.


Oh, no!

Josh scurries away, but Elliot eventually catches up with him and trips him up again by kicking his fat legs. SLAM! BASH! Elliot then pours the gooey slop onto Josh and throws the tray onto his head. Elliot leaves, and the other prisoners who witnessed it laugh at Josh. He wipes the gunk he can off his head. Vanessa and Indigo saw it too.


Serves him right. That Josh is a bully and a coward.


Yeah, he is.


And he's bullied as well.


Yeah. He is bullied.

Two guards approach Indigo.

Guard 1:

You! The boss wants to talk to you.


No thanks. I'm good.

The guard points a thin silver rod out at Indigo's collar chain. It emits a red light and sets off a trigger to electrocute Indigo. She cries out. Vanessa jumps up in anger.


You disgusting little cock!

The other guard grabs Vanessa, restraining her. before the agonising pain stops. Indigo recovers from the terrible experience. Vanessa is freed.

Guard 1:

A handy little device. Useful. We could easily the device on you too!


There was no need for that.

Guard 1:

It helps keeps you and your scum under control. And extremely unfortunate if you were happy to be in the collar the ray is pointed at. You, the small fat one I asked first, Mr. Grody wants a word.


What does he want?

Guard 1:

He wants to talk to you about something important. And wants to talk now. Mr. Grody hates to be kept waiting.

Indigo follows the second guard. The first guard stays for a moment.

And Miss. One more thing...

SLAP! Vanessa is slapped around the face by the guard, who swung his arm around to hit her. He leaves Vanessa with a sore cheek, and the prisoners laugh at Vanessa. Indigo was about to have a chat with Mr. Grody...

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