Scene 10 - Grody and Indigo

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Mr. Grody stands in a small room with a small, flickering lightbulb providing limited lighting. His stern face suggests he waits impatiently. Further two armed men stand waiting at the back against the wall, allowing access for the sliding doors to open. The two guards who collected Indigo escort her into the room. The sliding doors open and the three of them enter in, with Indigo being pushed into Mr. Grody's company.


What took you fools so long? All you had to do was get the worm and bring her here.

Guard 1:

We had a few standards to set with the newbies, including this one.


I see. Well then, you two may bring in the Xherephon 90 charges now as we discussed.

Guard 1:

Yes, Mr. Grody.

The two men leave.


Well, girl? Chin up. Shoulders back. Standing up straight and looking at me eye to eye.

Indigo looks up to the man in her hunched posture with a slumped posture, and rounded shoulders.


Why have you called me out?


You, Ms. Indigo are a very special case. I want to treat you not as a mere prisoner, but as a good colleague.


Oh. Then why did you call me a worm a moment ago?


No, no, no. You don't understand, Indigo. I see that you are a very capable and resourceful woman. It is that very reason that you happened to unfortunately get involved in the politics of the company which landed yourself here. Yes, I have read your case study. And I must say, you must know some fascinating secrets about the company and the Xenomorphs from your little excursion into top security levels. He, he, he, no wonder you ended yourself up here.


Well. Thanks. I guess.


You know, I think that you can make up your efforts here in more ways than one. With your unique skills and talents, I will be very happy to offer you a free pardon for your conviction.


Oh. Really? Even though I know things I shouldn't.

The guards wheel in a trolley with a black container and a safe-like code which enables access if the code entered is correct. It is brought to Mr. Grody.


Precisely. But if you try to expose the company's research. you wouldn't have a shred of evidence to prove a thing against the company. So, what's the big deal for us?


Ok. So, what do you want me to do?


Simple. In a short while, another cargo ship carrying supplies for the base will be arriving soon. When it arrives, I want you to put on a spacesuit with a thruster pack and place canisters of Xherphron 90 around the circumference of the ship.

The safe opens charges containing cylinders of four orange chemicals inside and is revealed to Indigo.


So just go around each side of the ship, set the bombs, and then you want me to return? And then you'll give me my freedom?


Correct, Ms. Indigo. You set the bombs when they've been stuck to the cargo ship. We will be monitoring your activity as you go, so...

Grody giggles to himself.

No early escape route. Unless you want to be blown up with the cargo ship too.


Why do you want me to blow up this ship anyway?


That's another interesting question. I like your batch of prisoners. They ask important questions and I like that. The Xherphron bombs are keyed to the timing of the next cargo ship's liftoff from this planet. As soon as the craft carrying the Xherphron leaves the atmosphere of this planet – boom! The craft will be blown to smithereens. The substance remains inactive in our atmosphere. But as soon as it leaves the planet, and the craft detonates, the safety of the prisoners will come into question. The company's safety of supplying spacecraft will be taken to court, and then be forced to pay in compensation for the jeopardized prisoners.


So they'll give you billions to make up for it.


Exactly that. Xherphron 90 is not a known substance elsewhere in the universe. The reactive substance remains unique to Blea Carrock 5. And by all means, we are exploiting it to our full advantage! The destruction of the cargo ship, for the guarantee of your safety. What do you say?


Well... there will be people on that ship. You're asking me to go along with murder.


Not at all. The cargo ship is being operated by remote control. No lives will be harmed in the process.


Oh. So it's alright then?


It's more than alright. Will you do it then, Indigo? Will you?

Indigo looks into the canisters with the substances in their canisters...

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