Chapter 35. Deathly Burdens I

Start from the beginning

I came to acknowledge the fact I've chosen to avoid for months; I am a burden to Harry Potter.

An hour later I burned away my thoughts in the shower. I was grateful Hermione wasn't in the room. I needed to be alone. And after what felt like the longest night in history, I was ready to climb into bed.

The times are changing.

I gasped, suddenly remembering an all too unsettling statement. Voldemort is coming. And he's coming for Harry Potter, for me, for- the journal.

I sprung from the mattress, rushing towards the locked drawer. I pricked my finger, letting a drop of blood fall onto the lock. It pushed open to reveal... nothing.

A dark, wooden, empty drawer. No journal, no papers, nothing.

My vision tunneled. The lungs collapsed. My heart stopped.

No no no no no...

I slammed the drawer shut, thinking it must be a trick. Another drop of blood, only to reveal the same picture. I slammed it again, eyes unblinking. Blood. Open. Empty.

It's gone.

My blood pounded in my ears. My heart kicked against my chest. My feet had gone numb.

"No... You idiot! How could you do this? How could this happen?!" My hands clenched at my scalp, spinning around the room. "What's wrong with you? You ruined it! Everything... it's ruined."

I couldn't breathe through my words. Through my own lecture of stupidity. The journal- The journal my parents so undoubtedly entrusted to me... is gone. And I haven't got the slightest clue as to how. If the journal is in the wrong hands- it's the end of the world.

What was I supposed to do? Who would I ask for help? No one knows except- Harry.

Oh Merlin... Harry.

I didn't think before I was out the door. I didn't think when I bursted into the boy's room. I hadn't acknowledged the running tears I never wiped away, or the hair that interrupted my vision.

Harry's bed was untouched, the other was occupied with a set of red curls.

I rushed over, pulling the sheets off Ron in a frenzy. He jumped, startled from the intrusion and the sudden cold air.

"Ron, where is Harry?" I towered over him in a stern voice.

"W-what?" He rubbed his eyes, not processing quick enough. "Neveah, what are you-"

"Ronald Weasley, listen to me. Where. Is. Harry?" I felt the fire in my chest, the red in my eyes. And by the looks of it, so did he.

"He left 'bout forty minutes ago." He focused, realizing the urgency. "Dumbledore summoned him. Said it was an emergency. Harry didn't say anything else before rushing out the doors. Neveah, what's happening?"

"I think- I think something is about to happen. I think Harry is in danger." I shuddered at the thought. "I have to go."

"Neveah- wait!" Ron called out as I turned on my heels. "Neveah!"

"Check on Hermione. Be sure she's okay." I kept my eyes forward, leaving Ron in silence.

The Astronomy Tower was the most accessible high points of the castle. Rain poured from the sky, thunder ringing for miles. I watched over, looking for any sign of danger. Five minutes went by, then ten, then twenty. That's when I began watching over the ground way beneath me instead.

I looked at the thousands of feet separating me from the grass. I believe that was the moment I truly could not take it anymore. I gasped, tears caught in my throat. My eyes fell in the palm of my hands, unable to bear the sight anymore. Unable to bear my thoughts.

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