Chapter 21

519 11 16

Tw- Character Death
Attempted rape

'Come on August… Please…' Maddie begged out loud, waiting for him at the gate between the two properties. August had agreed to meet her before he left for school and she had hurried to make herself look presentable and be here on time. She looked at the time on her phone again then back up the trail. Where was he?

Bubbles was blissfully unaware of the fact her life lay in the balance, the kitten curled up fast asleep in her carrier. She had practically begged August to come meet her, swearing him to tell no one about her call or their meeting. As long as her kitten was safe, that was all that mattered.

Finally she could see August coming up the trail on his bike and he came to a stop at the gate. 'What's so important you couldn't tell me over the phone Maddie?'

'I need you to look after Bubbles for me for a few days, please.'

He raised an eyebrow. 'Is that all? Dad wouldn't care-'

'No, no, you mustn't tell anyone you're looking after her, okay?' 


'If my father gets his hands on her, she's dead. She attacked him this morning, he's furious with her. I just need to know she'll be safe until he calls down.'

'Uh, sure…' 

'Please August? I wouldn't ask for your help unless I really need it.'

He thought about it for a moment then nodded. 'Alright, just for a few days. I can hide her in my room. What about her things though-'

'Already here.' She had a hessian bag tied onto the saddle with what he needed to look after her. 'Litter tray, litter, bowls, food, toys, harness and leash. All here.' Quickly she untied it from the saddle, handing it to him over the gate. 'Don't tell anyone, I mean, anyone. Okay? Promise?'

August nodded. 'Promise.'

Maddie breathed a sigh of relief. 'Thank you.'

He frowned, seeing a mark on her arm as he took the bag from her. 'What happened to your arm?'

'Hit it on a bench a couple days ago.' She lied, slipping the cat carrier off her back. 'Just make sure there's no breakables out in your room, put everything away. I wouldn't want her breaking something.'

'I'll make sure my room is safe for her.'

'Thank you.' She handed the kitten to him, August slipping the carrier onto his back. 'Please look after her well.'

'You have my word. Now I gotta go or I'm going to be late for school.'

Tears were in Maddie's eyes as she watched August ride back to the ranch, her kitten with him. Skylar nuzzled her gently, the girl running a hand down her face before mounting up. 

The ride back home was a sober affair but she knew she had done the right thing. Bubbles would be safer with August then she would be staying with her… After what that little kitten had done to save her, she owed it to her to make sure she was safe.


Arriving back at home she could see her father's truck was parked out front and a shiver ran up her spine. What was he doing home so soon? Anxiety flooded over her as her mind raced off with various scenarios, none of them ending well. 

With shaking hands she managed to untack the mare and turn her back into her stall, filling her haynet and water buckets before she stepped out. She wanted to run, she wanted to hide but her father's threats rang through her mind. She couldn't let anyone get hurt because of her. It was better for her to take it then to have the guilt of knowing she was why others had been hurt.

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