Chapter 6

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‘Stop moving-‘ Stella exclaimed with a laugh, struggling not to get eyeshadow all over Maddie’s face. ‘It’ll go everywhere if you don’t sit still.’

Maddie giggled, attempting rather unsuccessfully to stop squirming in her chair. ‘It tickles, I can’t help it.’

‘It like you two are having way too much fun out here.’ Liam remarked, walking through the living room on the way to his bedroom. ‘Stella Blue-‘ He stopped, making a face as he looked at Maddie’s makeup. ‘What have you done to poor Maddie?’

‘Oh, what have you done?’

‘No, no you don’t!’ Stella whisked the mirror away out of her reach. ‘Not until I’ve finished, no argument.’

He leant down next to Maddie’s ear, whispering in a teasing tone. ‘You know the first time Stella ever tried to put makeup on someone was on August?’

‘Uncle Liam-‘

‘Really?’ Maddie giggled. ‘Oh, I have to hear this one.’

He was about to launch into the story when his phone started to ring. Pulling it from his pocket he started down the hallway. ‘Sorry Maddie, another time perhaps.’

She looked up at Stella as he disappeared. ‘You have to tell me what happened.’

‘Why don’t you let me concentrate on finishing this off first? Okay?’

‘How’s girl's night going?’ Cordell questioned, coming in to take a seat on the couch to watch. ‘Looking good Stella-‘

‘It’d be great if someone could stop wriggling around like a worm…’ Finally she managed to finish the final touches to Maddie’s eyelid, taking a moment for a break before tackling the other side. 

‘What can I say? I have ticklish eyelids.’ Maddie protested with a chuckle. ‘It’s not my fault.’ She spun around on the chair. ‘Walker, does it look that bad?’

‘No, it looks fine.’

‘Uncle Liam was teasing us again.’ Stella explained, spinning her back around. ‘Alright, just one more eyelid to go…’

Finally finished with cleaning up after supper, Abeline came to join them. ‘Looks good Stell.’

‘Thanks Mawline, at least someone in the family is capable of giving an honest opinion-‘ She shot a look to Liam as he headed back to the dining room, laptop tucked under his arm. ‘Unlike another someone.’ 

‘I wonder who that someone could be.’ He remarked on his way through.

‘Yeah, I wonder. Alright-‘ Carefully she brushed the final strokes on. ‘and we are done.’ She handed her the mirror. ‘Ta da. What do you think?’

Maddie was silent for a moment, unable to believe her eyes. She actually looked pretty. The flaws on her skin had disappeared beneath the makeup, the face in the mirror wasn’t her. It couldn’t be her… ‘Wow… I don’t know what to say.’

‘You’ve never had makeup on before?’ Abeline questioned with curiosity.

‘No, never. Mama used to wear it, of course, but back when she was alive I never wanted to learn how to do it. I was more interested in horses and cowgirls then doing makeup and nails. And my Dad-‘ She stood up to let Stella have the seat instead, moving aside so Abeline could show her what to do. ‘well, he wouldn’t know an eyeshadow brush from a paint brush.’

‘That’s a good one.’ Stella laughed. ‘Hey, Mawline, if Maddie and I are going to do each other, why don’t we both do you too?’

‘Oh, I really don’t think-‘

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