Chapter 3

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It was the vibration of Maddie's phone that woke her the next morning, the teen moaning softly in pain as she rolled over to pick it up. Rubbing her eyes she looked at the message and sighed. It was from Stella.

Hey Maddie, Stella here. Mawline gave me your number. Auggie and I are going out to a bonfire tonight with some friends, it'd be great if you could come join us. We could pick you up at five if you want to come. 

After last night, there was no way that she was going to step foot off the property. 

Hey Stella- She typed back with another sigh. Thank you for the invite, I appreciate you thinking of me. I'm not going to be able to attend but I hope that you have a good time. 

Hitting send, she turned the phone back off and slowly sat up, winching. Her back and legs were aching and stinging dreadfully but she only had herself to blame. She shouldn't have left the house, it was the rule. It was her fault. She only had herself to blame. She had been wrong and she deserved to be punished. Her Dad had every right to punish her as he saw fit, he was her father after all... It was her fault, her fault that she had to be punished.

Staggering out of bed she slipped out of her pajamas and took a deep breath in as she looked at her legs. It was no wonder she was sore, if her back looked anything like how they were.

You deserved it. You did wrong and had to be punished. 

The words played over and over in her mind as she showered and dressed for the day before venturing cautiously into the living room. It was vacant and when she peered out the curtain, her father's truck was gone. Letting the curtain fall back in place she heaved a huge sigh of relief. She hadn't wished to see the disappointment in his eyes again. You're nothing but a disappointment, you have to try harder! I can't love you when you disobey me.

Stepping into the kitchen she resolved to try even harder to become what he wanted her to be. If there was a way she could earn his love, she was going to do it. She wanted love, wanted his love. How could she become deserving of his love? What did she need to do?

A surprise awaited her as she opened the fridge, her jaw dropping open as her eyes looked over the food inside. Her father had gone shopping for her and she repaid him by disobeying and leaving the house? Remorse flooded through her, she was a terrible daughter. He'd bought her all this and she had done what she did... Quickly she pulled her phone from her pocket, typing furiously.

Morning Daddy, I just saw that you did the shopping. Thank you, thank you so much! I am so so sorry for not being home yesterday, I promise it won't happen again. I will have a nice meal cooked for you when you get home, thank you Dad. I love you. 


Abeline was tidying up the house later that night when her phone rang. Setting down her duster, she pulled it out of her pocket to answer. 'Hello?'

'Hey, Abby Bear.'

'Hoyt. Everything okay?'

'Yeah, yeah, all good. I just... Look, I'm sorry to call late. I uh, want you to know I can't make the mushroom hunt tomorrow.'

'Well that's okay.' Abeline took a seat in the living room. 'Maybe another time.'

'I got to head back out of town for a little while. I'm really sorry to let you down again.'

'You are not letting me down, you understand me? Hoyt, just because your family's bad does not mean that you are. You saved my boy, and I'll never forget that.'

'You're a port in my storm, Abby Bear.'

'Well I hope you find still waters one of these days.'

Hoyt paused for a moment, glancing in the direction of where Maddie's father was helping to load up the weapons. 'Abby, can I ask a favor?'

Walker: Wish To Be A WalkerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora