Chapter 20

396 9 16

TW- Physical Abuse

‘Woah… Woah.’ Maddie brought Skylar to a stop, listening closely. ‘I thought I heard something…’ She murmured, running a hand down the mare’s neck as she looked around. ‘Guess it was just the wind playing tricks…’

She nudged the mare forward and they continued on their way down the path back home. A month had passed since Clint and everything that had taken place at the ranch and slowly, she was starting to feel like things had returned to normal. The Walkers seemed to be in a good place, Cordell having gone back to the Rangers a few days prior and she herself felt like she was coming out from under that dark cloud that had been hanging over her. Things with her father were the same as usual but she hadn’t expected any difference there. He was just as hard to please as ever though he had refrained from any physical punishment for a couple weeks following the incident. 

Hearing something again, she stopped the mare abruptly, looking around her closely. There was no denying it this time, she had heard the sound of cattle. It seemed to be coming from deep within the forest on the property. That’s strange… Bonham doesn’t have any cattle near here, they must be strays that have gotten onto our place from another property. 

Glancing at the time on her phone, she decided that she had enough time to go check it out before she was required home and turned the mare off the trail. The sound of cattle calling grew louder the further in she rode across the property and her concern grew. Even though she had been living on the property for a few months now she had never bothered to explore it fully, having been too preoccupied with working for the Walkers.

Through the trees she could make out brown and black hides, Skylar tossing her head with anticipation. The mare was something else when it came to cows, she hardly needed to do anything except let her have her head and keep out of the way. Bonham had said that Skylar was so good she didn’t need a rider to be able to cut cattle and she believed him.

She brought the mare to a stop and dismounted, leaving her behind tied up to a tree. Carefully she moved closer and to her surprise, found the cattle were being held in transportable cattle pens. Where did those come from? She wondered, moving closer to them to get a better look. Her father hadn’t said a thing about them having cattle on the property and she was certain that these cattle were still being held on their property… It didn’t make any sense. What were they doing here?

A steer came close to the panel, the cattle milling around anxiously. There was no food in the pens and there didn't appear to be any water in the plastic troughs either but they still looked in good condition. That brand looks awfully like… Her heart sank a moment later. Even though the brand had been tampered with, she’d know it anywhere. She had found the missing cattle from the Walker ranch. 

The sound of a vehicle in the distance caught her ear, her heart skipping a beat as she carefully made her way back to the safety of the undergrowth. Hiding down in a bush, she sat still as two trucks came up the drive, her heart sinking further. Her father was involved, she knew that old red Ford F150 anywhere. 

The vehicles stopped near the yards and her father got out of his car as the driver stepped from the other truck. She drew in a breath when she recognized him. It was Clive, one of the temporary ranch hands. So that's why no locks or fences have been cut, he’d have had the chance to make copies of the keys… It made sense now how the cattle had seemingly disappeared from the Walker ranch, they must have been taking a few head at a time through the gates and holding them here. Why were they still being held here though… 

‘Truck will be here in the morning…’

From her vantage point she could hardly make out what they were saying, only being able to catch pieces here and there of the conversation. Carefully she moved closer, keeping hidden amongst the bushes and trees.

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