Chapter 18

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TW- Abuse

Lights were on in the house as Maddie rode into the ranch yard, sliding off the mare as she came to a stop. Her father would be furious when she walked into the house… She took a deep breath and led the mare into the barn then turned her into her stall, getting her settled in for the night.

With her mare cared for, there was nothing else she could do to delay the inevitable. Her feet felt like they were heavy as led as she dragged herself up the walk to the back door, taking another deep breath before she opened it. A soccer game was blaring on the tv as she quietly closed the door behind herself and made her way through the kitchen. 

With another deep breath, she walked into the living room. ‘I can explain…’ Her father was sitting in his chair but surprisingly, there was no beer can within his reach. 

‘Can you now?’ He replied, leaning back in his recliner. ‘Well, why don’t you start with your wild story? I can't wait to hear this…'

‘Clint West. He took the Walkers hostage, you knew he was going there. Why didn’t you tell someone? One of the Walker’s was shot, their friend was killed. I was almost killed!’ She replied, doing her best to contain her anger at her fathers nonchalant behavior. ‘What was Clint West doing here last night? Why would you associate yourself with someone the likes of him? 

Robert got up slowly from his chair and rose to his full height, circling around the teen like a vulture. ‘How many times have I told you to mind your own business, hmm?’ He questioned, coming to a stop in front of her. ‘What I do with my life, is none of your concern.’

‘It is when my live is endangered, when the life of my friends are endangered-‘


‘Yes, friends. Though you wouldn’t have an understanding of the word.’

‘Maddie, are you being disrespectful?’

She swallowed hard, seeing the look in his eye and quickly backed down. ‘No sir. I-I… It was horrible Dad, I saw a guy die right before my eyes, Clint could have killed me…'


‘I’ve had one hell of a day.’

He shrugged. ‘Does it look like I care?’

An image of the way Walker held his children came to mind. There was no way her fathers arms would ever bear that kind of comfort and safety to her. ‘No.’ She spat angrily. ‘I didn’t expect you would.’

Robert removed his belt, slowly examining it infront of her and looked it up and down before turning back to her. ‘You know you are to be home at four-‘

‘Didn’t you listen? Clint West held me hostage! I couldn’t get away in time to be home.’

‘Don’t interrupt me.’ He replied calmly. ‘That’s another strike.’

She swallowed the lump in her throat.

‘And lying to me, that’s another. Being disrespectful, that’s another one. What do you think should happen for your misbehavior?’

‘Dad, you aren’t listening to me!’ Maddie was past tired, past caring. If he hit her, it wouldn’t be anything she hadn’t already been through that day. ‘Clint West, a murderer and criminal, held your daughter hostage and all you can think about is the fact I wasn’t home at four? What kind of father are you anyway-’

Walker: Wish To Be A WalkerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin