Chapter 17

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TW- Character Death
Yes, we're up to this part in the series 😭
Such a great episode but so sad at the same time.


The feeling of a wet, cold nose against her cheek stirred Maddie slightly from her sleep. ‘Go away…’ She mumbled as she pushed Bubbles away from her, trying to get back to sleep. ‘Go on.’

Despite her protests, the kitten wouldn’t give up, purring loudly as she rubbed her body against the girl's face. With a sigh the teen rolled over, pulling the covers over her head. ‘Let me sleep.'

Not about to give up, Bubbles crawled in beneath the covers up to her face once more. 'Bubbles…' She groaned as the kitten began to lick her cheek. There was no getting back to sleep now… 'Okay, okay. I'm up.'

With effort she sat up, the kitten jumping down from her bed and ran to her feed bowl. 'Yes, yes. You'll get breakfast soon-' She winced as she stood, still feeling the effects of last night's discipline. The room swam for a moment and she held onto her bed head to steady her, waiting for it to pass.

A few deep breaths later and she gingerly stretched, her aching muscles protesting. She couldn't even remember what it had been for but one thing was for sure; it had been her fault. 

Every time Robert laid a hand on his daughter, it was accompanied with telling her it was her fault and that he didn't like having to punish her. Years of hearing that had drilled into her mind it was normal, she hadn't questioned it until only a few weeks ago. Now though, those doubts were gone, replaced instead by the words he spoke to her. You're worthless. You are nothing. You did wrong and must be punished.

Checking the time on her phone, panic seized her. It was almost eleven! She had slept through each one of her alarms. She was supposed to riding the property with Bonham-

She frowned, seeing he had sent her a message at seven in the morning. Had to go into town, be back around ten. Continue with normal duties until I get back. 

'He's going to be mad I'm late…' She said with a sigh as she turned her screen off. Bubbles meowed softly, sitting beside her bowl and she chuckled softly. ‘Yes, I’m coming.’

After her kitten had been fed, Maddie cautiously peeked out from her room. The house was quiet and empty, her fathers bedroom vacant. It looked like he had already left for the day for which she was most grateful. Sleeping in late would have been another bad thing in his books.

A soak in the bathtub with epsom salts did wonders for her aching and bruised body, her muscles feeling a lot better as she stepped out to dry off. After applying cream to her open wounds she dressed in her work clothes and headed back to her room. Grabbing what she needed, she made sure that her kitten had what she needed for the day then set out to the barn.

Skylar was pacing around her stable as she walked in, the mare neighing loudly when she came through the door. ‘I know, I overslept. Sorry sweetheart.’ The mare's haynet was long empty, as were her water buckets. ‘You’ll have to eat over at the Walker’s, okay?’

Letting the mare drink as she tacked her up they were soon ready and on their way. So far Bonham hadn’t called or messaged to see where she was but she didn’t want to push her luck any further, asking Skylar to canter.

Before long they arrived at the gate connecting the two properties together and she dismounted, frowning. That’s not how I left it last night… She frowned, seeing that the lock had been looped through the wrong chain link. Unless it was. It must be because I’m tired and I'm forgetting things… Yes, that’s it.

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