2. l.ove letter to you

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Day 214

In the last 7 months, I reflected greatly on my past and our past together. I thought about how much time I had wasted before I was ready to admit that I was madly in love with you.

I don't want this to be a letter of self pitty but gosh was I a naive woman 7 months ago, but there you were patient as you could ever be.

You had every reason to hate me, not want to be around me and even stop our friendship, yet you didn't.

Demetrius, you continued to love me when you had no reason to. I was so foolish to have to choose a man who didn't love me over you, a man who didn't even care enough to visit me after the death of both of my parents.

Yet you had been there by my side, even when I was stringing you on into heartbreak. You have such a big and tender heart, you are more than a protector, you are MY warrior, my hero. I pray that our son carries all your beautiful characteristics that I was fortunate enough to witness in this lifetime.

May our son learn to love, listen and grow in the ways you have done so gracefully over 30 years.

There's no doubt in my mind that you won't make it back to me, I know you will. Even a coma cant hold us apart, we are soulmates, two beings that will forever be connected.

The good news though Armon is finally home after doing 5 months in jail, he got so lucky because the judge was ready to give him 5-15 years of jail time.

I better not see that nigga even attempt to drink wine another day in his life or it's on sight. Well on sight once I give birth to these heavy-ass babies who love to rest on my blatter every 30 minutes.

Gosh, do I wish you were here with me, watching as I have the weirdest food craving, watching as my body changes to bring new life into this outlandish world? I wish you were here for it all Demetrius.

Please come back to me my love, I don't know how long I can do this without you.

Love, LiLi

I closed my notebook, as a single tear drops onto the lined paper. I woke up every day fatigued with barely any joy in my heart. I feel like nothing more than a shell of who I was 7 months ago, the only thing that motivates me and puts somewhat of a warm feeling in my being is knowing that I'm carrying new life within me.

These two tiny people that I have growing in me keep me hopeful for the future. If I were in the same position but not pregnant I probably would have been dead by now or spiralling downwards drastically.

I want to give up so badly but I can't... I just can't not when I have this feeling inside me telling me Metri is going to wake up, I have no clue when that day will come but it's coming.

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