Author's Note

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Hey everyone!!! So, I'm sorry I made you all cry, it was a really sad ending. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it and I think most of you did. Thanks to everyone who read it and reviewed it. It means a lot that you all like my stuff so much.

So a couple questions.......
What do you want to see next? A lot of you read my Future Stories thing and wrote a lot of comments so is there one you want to see specifically? I know a lot of you wanted to see Blackbirds. That one is only about twenty chapters or so, it's pretty short. Mine, Parenting Skills, and Powerless aren't finished yet but they're close so any of them would be ok to put up too.

I'm working on other stuff too and I would really like to put up one of them but it's not far in yet. Maybe I'll put it in Future Stories. Warning: it's kind of different for me as there are some new couples I was writing with.

So Austin Carlile is kind of cute. I saw him in Mike's Instagram videos and stuff and he's kind of cute. I don't know why I mentioned this but I thought it was sort of important.

So tell me what you want to see and I'll try and get it up by Wednesday at the latest. Can't wait to see what you all think of the next story, whatever that may be.


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