Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Chester shot up and started pulling on his clothes quickly, “Stay here. Don’t come out. Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

          Mike frowned but watched Chester leave the room.

          “Coming dad!”

          Mike pulled on his clothes and then peaked out the door. He couldn’t see them since they were downstairs but he heard them.

          “Why are you all dressed up?”

          “Dance was tonight. I told you. You said you weren’t supposed to be home until tomorrow,” Chester replied.

          “Well I came back early. Why? Are you hiding something from me? Didn’t bring one of those faggots home did you?”

          “No,” Chester said quietly. Mike choked back a sob. Chester’s father had basically just called his son a faggot. What was up?

          “Oh and I came in through the garage. Great job scratching up the Camaro you shit. Since when are you allowed to drive that?”

          Mike’s eyes widened and he felt more tears fill his eyes. How could someone’s parent do that to a boy? Especially someone like Chester.

          “I’m sorry. I don’t know how it got scratched. I don’t drive it,” Chester said softly.

          “Like hell you don’t. You leave the keys out all the time.”

          Mike heard some strange noises and then something shattered. There was a loud crash and Chester screamed. Mike bit down hard on his knuckle to keep himself from running down the stairs. Chester wanted him up here.

          “I don’t drive it. Something must’ve rubbed on it in the garage. I swear I don’t drive it,” Chester said.

          “Don’t lie to me. You’ve already lied about bringing another one home. I see his shoes out there. How many is that now? One hundred and six? Do we need to add another tally?”

          “No one’s here. I swear. They were mine. I couldn’t decide which ones to wear.”

          “You are just pathetic. You’re a sorry excuse for a human being.”

          He heard Chester whimper again and then he couldn’t do it anymore. He ran down the stairs. “Stop hurting him!”

          Chester gasped from where he was stuck in his dad’s grip. There was glass shattered on the floor. Chester was bleeding from his arm and his jacket was on the floor. Glass was sticking out of his arm.

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