Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

          He sat at the window in his room. He was ready to go. It was five minutes to five. He wanted Chester to be here now. If on cue, he heard the rumble of an engine. He bounced up from his seat and ran towards the steps. He took a breath and calmed himself down before descending.

          “You must be Chester. Come on in,” he heard his mom say.

          “Thank you,” Chester said and Mike appeared at the bottom of the steps. He saw Chester standing by the door looking slightly uncomfortable.

          “Hi Chester,” he said with a smile. Chester grinned at him.

          “Hi Mike.”

          Mike walked over to him, “I’m ready when you are.”

          “Ok. I….I would have brought flowers but I didn’t know…..if you were into that,” Chester said quietly. Mike shook his head.

          “It’s fine.”

          “Take care of my boy, Chester,” his mom said with a smile. Chester nodded.

          “Will do. Let’s go Mike.”

          Chester opened the door to his car and Mike climbed in. He leaned back against the seat and smiled. It was amazing. Chester got into the car and smiled at him.

          “You like?”

          “I love it. How much was it?”


          “Oh….uh….it’s not mine. It’s my dad’s. He got it cheaper cause he works at the dealership. I just drive it cause he never does,” Chester muttered.

          “You ok?” Mike asked. Chester looked different than usual. This was not the Chester he saw at school.

          “Fine. I’m always fine. The restaurant is great. You’ll love it,” Chester said changing the subject. Mike nodded and watched the buildings fly by. When they pulled up to the restaurant, he stared up at it. Chester had to be rich. It had to be a five star restaurant. Chester took his arm again and then they walked together.

          “Bennington. Yea that’s the one,” Chester said as the waiter nodded and led them to their table. Mike stared in amazement as Chester led him to a private balcony overlooking the part of the city they were in. He shook his head in amazement. Chester was rich.

          “This is amazing Chester,” he said softly. Chester slid into the seat. There was a table with a U-shaped bench around it. It was so nice. Chester smiled at him.

          “Thanks. I like it up here.”

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