Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


          He made his way inside the doors and then to the reception desk. He gave a small smile to the lady.

          “Is Chester Bennington available for visitors?” he asked softly. The woman searched through the computer before giving a small shake of her head.

          “I’m sorry young man but he’s still in surgery.”

          “Surgery?” he asked. A lump formed in his throat.

          “You will have to ask the doctor,” she said. Mike swallowed and then sat down in one of the chairs. He picked up his phone and called his mom.

          “Hi Mike, did you have a good time?”

          “Yea mom. Dave’s having a sleepover tonight is it ok if I sleep there?”

          “Of course. Just be back tomorrow. Have fun.”

          “Ok. Bye mom.”

          He hung up and put his head in his hands. He was so tired. He glanced around and saw a mini couch. He walked over to it and laid down. Closing his eyes, he prayed that Chester would be ok and he’d be able to see him tomorrow.

          He woke up when someone was yelling. He frowned as he rubbed his eyes tiredly and glanced around.

          “I heard there was someone here for Mr. Bennington?” a doctor called. People were looking around. Mike jumped off the couch.

          “Me!” he called as he hurried forward, “I’m here for Chester.”

          “Right this way please.”

          Mike followed the doctor inside the hospital and through some confusing hallways and stairs.

          “The reception lady said he was in surgery? Why?” Mike asked.

          “Your friend had a very unhealthy amount of alcohol in his system. The alcohol irritated his stomach and intestines, causing them to bleed, which was why he was throwing up blood. We had to repair that and then pump the alcohol out of his system. We want to monitor him until tomorrow afternoon to make sure he doesn’t fall back but you will be able to stay with him and take him home.”

          “Ok,” Mike whispered as the doctor opened the door to a room.

          “Call if you need something.”

          Mike nodded and walked into the room slowly. He saw Chester laying spread out on the bed with an IV in his arm and restraints on both of his wrists.

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