Chapter 17

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Chapter 17


          It was a week later and his dad had gone but his mom was still here. And she was almost worse than his dad. She hadn’t hurt Chester but Chester wasn’t allowed anywhere near him and he wasn’t allowed near Chester. It pissed him off. He loved Chester. Why couldn’t they just accept that? He sighed as he looked at the pictures on his phone. Chester was grinning at him. He was so sweet. He couldn’t believe that he’d actually won the popular boy’s heart in a week. He owed it to Dave. That guy had been unbelievable. He loved texting Chester but not being near him was hard. When he had days where he was doing nothing, he wanted Chester around him but they couldn’t be together. His phone buzzed and he grabbed it.

          ‘Morning Mikey.’ Chester. He grinned. He loved that boy.

          ‘Good morning.’

          ‘Are you doing anything today?’

          ‘You know I can’t hang out with you Chazzy’

          ‘Oh come on. There’s gotta be some way you can get out of your house.’


          ‘Then let’s go!’

          ‘You want me to come over there?’

          ‘Fuck no baby. But let’s go somewhere.’

          ‘How about tonight, we go to one of those clubs?’

          ‘Ok. Yea that’ll work.’

          ‘Cool. Ok so let’s meet up at that club next to the drug store ok?’

          ‘Awesome. I’ll see you then. Love you.’

          ‘Love you too.’

          He loved his texts with Chester. The other boy was so sweet. He smiled as he read through them again. Chester was always so kind over texts. He was always so sweet. That’s what he loved about him. He read them one more time and then clicked his phone off.

          “Good morning Michael!” his mom called. Mike sighed and got up out of his bed. He wandered downstairs.

          “Morning mom, can I go out tonight?”

          “Not with Chester?”

          “Of course not. Mom, I told you we broke up. Dave and Brad want to go to a club tonight. It’s Saturday and I haven’t been out in a while. This could be a chance to meet a new guy,” Mike said with a smile. He really wanted to get out. Plus he was going to meet Chester but his mom didn’t need to know that.

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