Chapter 1

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Chapter 1


          He had no idea what he was doing. He had spent the last two hours almost getting lost in these hallways. He sighed as he looked down at his map and realized he was supposed to be on the other side of the building. He didn’t have any friends yet. He was too quiet to really talk to anyone. He was so done with all this school stuff. He’d asked his mom if they could wait two more years to move but she had said they had to go. He’d left all his old friends behind. With two years left, he had to make a ton of new friends and try not to turn into the school weirdo.

          “Look, he’s lost!” a voice reached his ears and then two boys were standing in front of him. Here it came.

          “Do you need any help?” the taller boy asked and Mike’s eyes widened.


          “Look Brad, he thought we were going to pick on him. That’s cute. Nah, we’re here to save the day,” the other boy laughed.

          “I….I don’t know what I’m doing,” Mike said finally. Brad took his schedule from him and he grinned.

          “Well look at that Dave, he’s got the same class as us. That’s great. I’m Brad Delson and this is Dave Farrell.”

          “Hi,” Dave said with a grin. Mike nodded.

          “Mike Shinoda,” he said.

          “Shinoda?” Brad questioned as they started walking, “What’s that?”

          “My last name,” Mike frowned. Dave snorted.

          “He meant where does that come from,” Dave clarified.

          Mike felt his ears turn red, “Oh. I’m half-Japanese.”

          “Cool,” Dave said and they walked to their class. Mike was happy when he found out that these two boys had a class with him in the second half of the day and they had lunch with him. He was so worried about having to sit by himself at lunch. He had one more hour before he went to lunch. He shifted in his seat as the bell rang. He really had to go to the bathroom. He followed the rest of the class out but realized how embarrassing it would be to ask where the bathroom was. He looked down at the map in his hands and he realized he had no idea where to even start. He was supposed to be in lunch right now and instead he was standing in the middle of the hallway looking like an idiot.

          “Dammit,” he muttered as the bell rang. A boy with brown hair walked around the corner.

          “Need to take a piss?” the kid asked. Mike stared at him.



          “Well it’s kinda obvious. You’re standing there doing a dance. I figured either you’re really high or you need to find a bathroom. Hello, new boy.”

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