Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

It'd been a difficult few days without Chester around. The other boy always knew how to brighten his day. Without him, it was just dull. And it had started raining the night that Chester told him he wouldn't be going to school for a few days. It hadn't stopped since then. He sat in the living room, staring out the window at the rain. He'd never hated rain but it was just depressing him right now.

"Mike, you need to get over him."


"He's not good for you."

"He hasn't done anything wrong."

"Mike, there's plenty of other boys out there."

"But none are like him."


"You want me to go find some guy I don't care about? Cause that's what you did with Dad and look where that ended up! You regret it all!"


"Just stop!" Mike said angrily as he turned back to the window, "You don't understand! I have someone I love and you won't even let me see him. He's coming over today and there's nothing you can do about it!"

"No he's not," his mom replied but Mike was watching Chester's car pull into his driveway. A boy with brown hair climbed out and hurried up to the porch.

"Oh look, there he is!" Mike said sarcastically as he got up and went to the door. He opened it and let Chester leap into his arms. Chester had his hand at the back of his neck and was pulling him against him.

"God I've missed you," Chester whispered as he snuggled into Mike's body. Mike smiled as he tried to warm Chester up from the freezing rain. Chester sighed softly and squeezed him tighter.

"How do you feel?" Mike asked and Chester shivered before pulling off his jacket and hanging it on the hook. He was wearing a black tank top. That boy was insane.

"I feel alright. It's mostly healed over," Chester said and Mike nodded slightly. That was good.

"How the hell can you wear a tank top in the middle of winter?" Mike asked and Chester snickered.

"I thought you'd like it," he said and Mike grinned as he let his hands run down Chester's bare arms.

"I do," Mike whispered and Chester smiled before kissing him lightly. Mike returned the kiss before pulling back. "You want to go upstairs?"

"Yea ok," Chester said. Mike smiled and took Chester's hand. He brushed past his mom and they walked up the stairs to his room. Chester gave him a small frown.

"Your mom doesn't care about you seeing me anymore?"

"No she does, I've just chosen to ignore her," Mike said and Chester smiled slightly.

"Oh. Ok cool," Chester said as he kissed him again. Mike smiled and then sat down on the bed. He hadn't made his bed today and the sheets and blankets were everywhere. Chester grinned as he climbed in next to him.

"You been sleeping ok?" Mike asked softly. Chester sighed and shook his head.

"I...I had some trouble breathing so it was hard for me to go to sleep," Chester muttered, "I..I got hit in the stomach hard enough to keep me awake for two days."

"Well come on, you need some rest," Mike said. Chester grinned and pulled a blanket around his body. Mike took a couple of the smaller pillows he had and tossed them into a pile. The blankets were spread around and then they managed to balance the comforter of the bed on top of a few pillows to make a little fort. Chester grinned again and then he started laughing.

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