Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

          “Hey Mike, did you have a good day?” Dave asked as Mike sat down next to him.

          “Yea. I…ran into that kid yesterday. Literally. I think I may have busted his nose,” Mike said. Dave snickered.

          “He looks fine to me. Anyway, why haven’t you asked a guy to go with you to the dance yet? It’d be so fun.”

          “I don’t want to. I’d rather hang out with you two.”

          “We’re flattered. But you really should try and get someone to go with,” Dave said. Brad laughed and then his expression changed. He leaned in.

          “Why don’t you try? He’d probably love you. I mean, he didn’t get angry at you when you busted his nose did he?”

          “Well yea….but then as soon as he saw me he changed and walked off really quickly.”

          “He totally likes you!” Dave exclaimed and Brad clamped a hand over his mouth.

          “I really don’t think he does and I don’t want to be with him.”

          Dave rolled his eyes but nodded, “Alright Mike. You win.”

          Mike nodded thankfully and continued to eat his lunch. He really didn’t want to run into Mr. Popular today or tomorrow or on Friday. This guy just really annoyed him. The way he thought he was so good. He glanced up and saw that boy walking past him. He was talking with someone else.

          “Yea. You know it. I got him yesterday. Great too. To bad his attitude sucked. He was a good fuck,” the boy said. The other one laughed.

          “Oh Chazzy, you have to stop sleeping around like this. It’s just going to get you in trouble.”

          “So what? It’s cool man. It’s not like any of them are any different. They’re all just the same idiots looking for someone to shove their dick up their ass and I’ll gladly do it for them. Think about it, more than half the guys in this school would pay for me to fuck them.”

          “Can’t argue with you there. Not all of them though. I know one in particular that wants absolutely nothing to do with you…..”

          Their voices trailed off and Dave snickered as Mike zoned back into their conversation. He really had just eavesdropped on that conversation.

          “Guess whose face is bright red. Mike, are you running a temperature?” Dave asked with another laugh. Mike felt his face get hotter if possible.

          “Shut up Dave! You heard what he said. He’s a sick idiot. He’s had sex with everyone!”

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