Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


          He woke up and smiled as he felt Chester’s arm around his waist. The other boy had pouted the entire night until Mike said that he could hold him that night. Chester was such an adorable boy.

          “Good morning baby,” he said softly. Chester grinned down at him.

          “Ready for school?”

          “Of course not. But sure…why not?”

          They got out of bed and got dressed. Chester had driven back to his house and grabbed some more of his clothes. His mom had been pretty accepting of letting Chester stay here as long as he helped out around the house. Chester had immediately said he would. The boy was a natural charmer. Chester walked down the stairs and Mike watched as his hips swayed slightly as he walked. The boy was hot and he knew it. His mom was at work already so they had the house to themselves. Chester smiled at him as he poured a bowl of cereal.

          “Thank you for letting me stay with you Mikey,” Chester said quietly, “I don’t want to go back.”

          “I know. I want you here Chester.”


          Chester smiled at him again and then sat down with his cereal. They ate quickly and then finished getting ready for school. Mike glanced at Chester. The other boy was wearing his tight jeans with a plaid button down shirt. September was a chilly month. Mike smiled.

          “You look unbelievably attractive this morning,” he whispered. Chester laughed.

          “Don’t worry. I’m only wearing this for you.”

          “Thank you.”

          Chester nodded and then they headed out. Chester flipped his keys in his hand before climbing into his Camaro. Mike climbed in next to him and they drove off. Chester looked hot when he drove too. He looked like he belonged there. Chester was just hot. Mike really needed to stop having these thoughts. He watched as the buildings sped by. Chester flicked the radio on and opened the windows. Mike listened as some heavy rock band came on and blasted through the speakers. Weird. Mike thought that a lot of the popular kids listened to rap not rock. He loved Chester’s taste in music though.

          “You like rock?” Mike asked and Chester nodded.

          “Yep. I can do rap too but I like rock more.”

          “You’re crazy. I’m the same way.”

          “Then why am I the crazy one?”

          “Cause you’re always crazy.”

          Chester smiled and then turned into the school parking lot. Mike sighed as he saw everyone gathering to see Chester. Chester smirked.

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