Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


          Mike walked into lunch with his hand intertwined with Chester’s. Chester smiled as he walked into the room and then led them over to where Dave and Brad were sitting. Mike smiled as he sat down next to Chester. Dave smirked.

          “Hello you two.”

          “Hey,” Mike said with a smile and then started to eat. Chester grinned and then took a bite of his sandwich. Dave glanced at the two of them.

          “So you guys made up?”



          “Thank you,” Chester said as he wrapped his arm around Mike’s shoulders. Mike grinned. He was glad that there were benches instead of seats. He moved next to Chester and Dave gave them a look.

          “Please keep your romantic activity to a minimum.”

          Chester laughed and then kissed Mike lightly. Mike snickered as he held Chester around the waist. They sat like that while some people came to talk to Chester and he pushed them away. Mike loved being Chester’s center of attention. It made him feel good.

          “It’s awesome that you two are like a couple now,” Brad said. Chester grinned and nodded.

          “I think it’s pretty awesome.”

          “I agree,” Mike said and Chester rolled his eyes.

          “It’s crazy Chester. We never thought that we’d actually be able to talk with you. You always acted so high up all the time,” Dave said. Chester smiled slightly.

          “Well you’re lucky you made friends with the boy that stole my heart. He won’t give it back.”

          “That’s right I won’t.”

          Chester laughed again and then the bell was ringing. They slowly made their way out of the cafeteria. Mike looked at Chester and sighed. He wouldn’t be able to see him until after school. Chester turned to him.

          “I want to spend more time with you,” he said softly. Mike nodded.

          “I’m sorry Chester. I really am.”

          “Skip with me?” Chester asked and Mike felt a smile come over his face again.


          Chester grinned and then they ran to the doors. They waited until no teachers were watching and then they ducked out. They ran out to Chester’s car and then got in. Chester drove out of the school parking lot and then they turned out to a dirt parking lot. Chester got out and Mike followed. They laughed as they ran up the grassy hill in front of them. Chester leaped onto the top of the hill and Mike wrapped his arms around his waist before taking them both down the hill. Chester laughed as they rolled down together. Mike grinned as he saw Chester balanced above him. Chester smiled before giving him a kiss. Mike wrapped his arms around Chester’s neck as they kissed. Chester put his hand to the side of his face and Mike kissed him harder. He was missing this so much. He’d missed Chester so much. He felt Chester rock his hips gently against his and he moaned softly. He heard Chester’s answering moan and he tangled his fingers into Chester’s short spiky hair.

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