Chapter 13

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Chapter 13


          Dave hadn’t given him his twenty bucks. Chester hadn’t shown up to school until the Monday of the next week. Mike sat down across from his two friends as they ate lunch.

          “So what happened again?” Dave asked shaking his head. It was a Tuesday morning. Mike sighed.

          “We fought. He called me a bunch of racist names and then he hasn’t tried to call me back.”

          “I thought your mom kicked him out.”

          “Yea. She did but its not like I want to sit with him or anything. I don’t want to be near him.”

          “You have relationship problems. Don’t worry bud, Brad and I will fix this.”

          “Yea seriously Mike. You like…loved that kid.”

          “We’ll help you!”

          Mike shook his head, “Don’t. I don’t want to be with him. He’s a stuck up prick.”

          He looked over at where Chester was sitting. The other boy was eating slowly and pretending to be interested in what some other kid was telling him. He sat there with boredom written over his face. He didn’t look like that kid he saw in the first week of school. He got up and walked towards the doors. Immediately a group followed him.

          “Chester! What’s going on!?”

          “Can we take a spin in your Camaro?”

          Chester stopped and spun around, “Get away from me! All of you! Fuck off!”

          The group fell silent and Chester glared at them before storming out of the cafeteria. People stared. Everyone stared at where Mr. Popular had stormed out of the gym. Mike glanced back at Dave who was staring over at him.

          “Holy shit. That’s insane. I’ve never seen him get so angry.”

          “I know! That’s like, crazy man,” Brad said shaking his head. Mike shrugged and then went back to eating. He didn’t care anymore. Well….that’s what he told himself.

          He walked towards the door as school got out. He saw Chester walking towards him but not looking at him. He had his backpack hanging off his shoulder. Chester glanced up at him and offered him a small smile. Mike looked away.


          “Stay away Chester.”

          Chester sighed and his shoulders fell. He hated that look. He made himself pull away and run through the group of people. He began his walk home and found himself looking up as Chester drove by in his fancy car. He got to his house and walked inside. He was surprised to find his dad there.

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