Chapter 12

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Chapter 12


          “Miiiiiiiiiiikeeeeeeeeyyyyyy,” Chester whined from the couch as Mike rolled his eyes. He’d been waiting on the other boy for the entire day. Chester was getting way too much enjoyment out of being injured.

          “What the fuck could you possibly want now Chester?”

          “I need a drink!”

          “I just got you water ten minutes ago!”

          “Yea well I drank it all. And it was warm too. Ice this time!”

          “Fuck you. You and your lazy ass can get up and get your damn water.”

          “Is Mike being a cranky fuck? Should I tell his mom he didn’t help me?”

          “You’re so annoying when you’re injured. You’re such an ass.”

          “Get me my water!”

          Mike sighed and grabbed a glass from the counter. He would rather be in school than doing this. He was getting seriously pissed off at Chester. The boy was taking advantage of him. He walked into the living room and saw Chester leaning back on the couch with a smirk on his face. He stood there for a minute. He couldn’t take it. Chester could’ve easily gotten up and gotten that. He was just being an idiot. Mike walked in front of him and then threw the water in Chester’s face. Chester gasped and spit.

          “What the fuck was that? You fucking retard!” Chester yelled as he took off his glasses and started to wipe the water off of his face.

          “Stop acting like a hospitalized wimp. You’re just fine. You can get your own drink of water. You know it.”

          “I was told to not move from the couch but I guess I’ll just go ahead and say that you were too much of a cranky fuck to help me out,” Chester snarled as he got off the couch and walked into the kitchen. He came back a minute later with another glass of water and ice in it. “This is how you make a glass of water.”

          Mike rolled his eyes, “Fuck you.”

          Chester glared at him and then threw the contents of the glass on him. Mike jumped back as he was hit with the cold water. Chester smirked.

          “Now we’re even.”

          “We’re never even you fucking prick,” Mike snarled as he leaped at Chester. The two of them wound up on the ground arguing and fighting. Chester was trying to land a hit on him but Mike was pinning his arms as he tried to get his own hit in.


          “Fuck you!”

          “You’re such an idiot!”

          They rolled around on the floor and Chester hit him on the side of the head. Mike brought his knee into Chester’s stomach. But most of their punches and kicks missed each other. He didn’t hear the door open or his mom come inside. But he did hear Chester’s next insult.

          “Get the fuck off me you fucking Jap!”

          “And what am I? You’re one hundred and sixth fuck?”

          “Both of you stop it!” his mom shouted. Mike saw Chester’s eyes widen and they slowly broke apart. Chester propped himself up on his elbows and Mike sat down on his knees. They were in for it.

          “Chester…..back home. Go on. Out of my house. I don’t want you near my son anymore if you have a mouth like that. Mike, upstairs. I’ll talk to you in a minute.”

          Mike watched as Chester slowly stood up and then walked out the door. Mike watched him go. He watched as Chester climbed into his Camaro and drove off down the street. And all of a sudden anger flared inside him. He got off the floor and stormed up to his room. He was so mad. Chester was so stupid. How could he ever think that he loved him? He was just the same as everyone else. Just some stupid stuck up prick. His mom walked up to his room. He didn’t want to talk.

          “Mike what happened?”

          “I don’t want anything to do with him anymore. I hate him. Mom……I’m sorry I ever brought him here.”

          “Mike…’s not your fault.”

          “I get what he did was wrong. I thought that maybe he was different. I thought that maybe we were going to be able stay together. But I guess it’s just another stupid dream.”

          “Don’t worry about it Mike. You’ll find someone better. Someone that’s better for you and won’t be like that.”

          Mike sighed. The problem was….he did love Chester. He would always love him. Chester was so perfect. But the names. The names that he said were hurtful towards him and he knew it. Chester hadn’t been joking around.

          “I guess I gotta go to school tomorrow.”

          “Get some sleep sweetheart.”

          Mike rolled over on his bed and looked up at the ceiling as his mom left. He glanced at his phone and saw that he had five missed calls from the love of his life. He didn’t call back. Instead he took his phone and looked back at the photos he had. He and Chester had goofed around with it. He smiled slightly as he saw Chester sticking his tongue out while Mike tried to hide his boyfriend’s face. They were so stupid. He deleted every single one of them. He didn’t want to remember Chester. It was true what they had all said. He was just another one of Chester’s fucks. He wondered if Dave would still give him his twenty bucks. He’d been right from the start. He’d never get anywhere with that boy.

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