Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

          It was later in the evening when Chester came over. Mike smiled as he opened the door and embraced the other boy. They stood there for a minute. Mike had pushed all thoughts of yesterday out of his mind. He was going to enjoy this day with his perfect boyfriend. Chester smiled as he kissed him. Mike's hands went to Chester's face and Chester held onto his waist as they held the kiss. They pulled away and Chester hugged him again.

          "Happy Valentine's Day beautiful," he whispered. Mike smiled at him and kissed his hair gently.

          "Happy Valentine's Day my little angel."

          Chester took his hand, "Can we go upstairs for a while?"

          Mike nodded and led Chester up the stairs to his room. They sat on the bed and Chester was kissing him again. Mike smiled against his lips and then rested his forehead against Chester's, letting their noses brush.

          "Someone's excited?"

          "I love you, what'd you expect?" Chester asked with a grin.

          "More," Mike said softly. Chester laughed and pushed himself against Mike before kissing him again.

          "I want to talk for a minute first," Chester said quietly and Mike nodded.

          "Go ahead."

          Chester smiled slightly, "Would you turn around for a second?"

          Mike nodded and faced the other way. He heard Chester moving around for a minute and then he started talking.

          "Mikey, I....I never took anyone home before on Valentine's Day because I never loved anyone. I want you to know that you're special and you have my heart wherever you go. There's no one like you and I'll never be with anyone else," Chester began. Mike felt tears in his eyes. Chester was being too sweet.

          "And...And...I love you like I've never loved anyone before. You're so kind and so sweet and you are so perfect, I couldn't ask for a better person to be with. And I....I....," Chester stuttered and Mike wanted to turn around and hug him.

          "And I....know that....we're only seventeen and I don't want to push you into anything that you don't want to be in're the only person that I love and I will ever love like this. Mike....."

          Mike turned around. He couldn't handle not seeing Chester as he struggled to get through whatever he was trying to say. Instead he gasped and took a step back. Chester was kneeling on the ground with a box in his hand.

          "Mike....will you be with me forever?" Chester asked quietly. Mike stared at him. They couldn't get engaged since they were too young but Chester wanted to come back to it. He wanted to be with him forever. Chester lowered his head as Mike stood there in shock. "I'm s-sorry. It's t-too early. I g-get it."

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